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04-20-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-20-93 CCM
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CSAH 10 as in 1983, 1988, and 1989, or when traffic was diverted away from CSAH <br />10 as in the Spring of 1992. The exaggerated numbers are as so extreme that in <br />1982 the AADT was 2,800, in 1983 up to 5,600 (1,000 higher than 1992) and in 1984 <br />back down to 3,100. In 1986 the count stayed steady at 3,100, but in then next count <br />in 1988 it more than doubled to 6,900. Discounting the irregular numbers, the <br />realistic straight line projection for 2010 is 7,900. <br />The downside risk of taking Alternate 6, and saving most of the associated <br />wetlands, keeping the highway speed a level consistent with the residential <br />development planned for the area is very low. The risk in building a 4 lane divided <br />highway is that it would destroy the ecological value of the lake and adjacent <br />seasonal wetlands, have a $2.8 million up front cost, have much greater <br />maintenance costs, increase the impervious surfaces by a factor of 3, and probably <br />end up as substantially underutillized as CSAH 13 between I-94 and 15th Street <br />and State Highway 5 from Ideal to Jamaica. <br />Proposal No. 5 would create an uncontrolled intersection with a convergence of 16 <br />traffic lanes. There is no safe model for traffic flow with this size intersection <br />without signalization. Correction of this omission will require Lake Elmo share <br />with Oakdale a $100,000 cost. <br />Costs: <br />After spending less than $350,000 to resurface and provide paved shoulders for the <br />3 1/2 miles of CSAH 10 east of Inwood Avenue, the Washington County Public <br />Works Department is now proposing to spend $2,800,000 for re -construction of one <br />mile west of Inwood. The risk to spend, say only $ 500,000 to upgrade this one mile <br />of CSAH 10 as recommended in Proposal 6 would be that at a later date more <br />funds could be required to add two additional lanes from Helmo Avenue to a <br />transition zone ending 1/8 mile east of Inwood Avenue. (Similar to Larpenter <br />
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