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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 20, 1993 4 <br />M/S/C Mottaz/ Conlin - to table the draft ordinance for moving buildings into or within <br />the city until the August 3 council meeting to receive comments from the Code <br />Enforcement Officer. (Motion carried 5-0.) <br />Council member Johnston requested the reason the particular numbers were chosen <br />by the Planning Commission for the performance bond and insurance. <br />C. "Driveways" Draft Ordinance <br />Jim McNamara, Building Official, submitted his comments on the driveway ordinance in <br />his memo dated July 16, 1993. McNamara indicated he didn't believe limiting the width <br />of a driveway was necessary so long as the property in question can meet a maximum <br />percentage of hard surface coverage. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to table until comments are received from the Planning <br />Commission why they did not develop a design standard to allow for a 24' maximum <br />driveway width with a minimum flared area to accommodate a larger than 2-stall garage <br />as requested by the city council on September 3, 1991 and request the PZ submit their <br />response for the August 3 council meeting. (Motion carried 5-0.) <br />Noxious Weeds:Keith Raleigh: <br />Northern Diversified, developer of Arabian Hills, has informed the administrator they will <br />cut and spray for noxious weeds on this Wednesday. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/John - that Northern Diversified, developer of Arabian Hills, has ten days <br />to remove the noxious weeds, if the weeds are not removed within the required time <br />given, the city will take appropriate action. (Motion carried 5-0.) <br />D. Recodification: Direction requested from Planning Commission <br />M/S/C John/Mottaz - to direct the PZ to review the portions that would concern them as <br />to their responsibility; (such as fees for buildings. Etc.) in Section 100 and Section 200 <br />and leave the remainder. If they feel that means there is very little to review, then they <br />should review Sections 300, 400 and 500 that relate to zoning. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />OLD BUSINESS ITEM: At the August 3, council meeting, the council will set a <br />workshop date to review Section 100 and Section 200 of the recodification. <br />E. 5-Acre Zoning District - Direction requested from Planning Commission <br />M/S/C Johnson/Mottaz - to direct the Planning Commission to continue to consider RE <br />zoning district as a 2.5 to 10 acre lot size without any separate zoning for 5 acre <br />minimum unless more defined reasons can be given for the need for a 5 acre zone. <br />(Motion carried 5-0.) <br />