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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 21, 1993 <br />B. Washington County Comp Plan <br />Jane Harper, Project Manager of the Comprehensive Plan Update project, described <br />the county's process for updating its Comp Plan over the next 18 months. Three sub- <br />committees, Land Use, Transportation, Parks and Open Space, will meet throughout <br />the comp plan process on these issues. If anyone wishes to get more information or <br />participate in the above, they should contact Jane Harper at 430-6011. <br />M/S/C Johnson/John - to amend the agenda to add 4C. Well Testing for Tri-Lakes <br />Area. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Well Testing for Tri-Lakes Area <br />Mary Kay Lang reported 16 wells were tested in a random pattern in the Tri-Lakes area. <br />Of those 16 wells, seven wells failed with high levels of nitrates and coliform bacteria. <br />Five wells were retested and failed again. Washington County has told them to not <br />drink their water. Water testing kits ($25) can be obtained from Washington County. <br />M/S/C Johnson/ Mottaz - to direct the city engineer to review the Washington County <br />test results, location map identifying wells tested, any historical information of when the <br />wells were tested in the past and to concurrently send information to State Health Dept. <br />for investigation. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Lake Levels (No -Wake) <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to table this item and direct the administrative staff to gather <br />technical information from Barr Engineering, TKDA, DNR on what the ramifications are <br />in the terms of flow into the lakes, practical level of lakes, and what is the impact of the <br />levels if they are established. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Surface Water Use Study Group <br />Brenda Taylor, 7945 Hill Trail N., asked that her application be withdrawn, <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnston - to appoint the following members to the Surface Water Use <br />Study Group: (Motion carried 5-0). <br />James Dillon, <br />Robert Horning, <br />James Arkell, <br />Michael Moen, <br />Tom Sweno, <br />Joseph Kiesling, <br />Pat Dean, <br />8190 Hill Trail N. <br />8991 Jane Road N. <br />8131 Hidden Bay Trail <br />9112 Jane Rd. N. <br />8076 Hill Trail N. <br />9359 Jane Road N. <br />8028 Hill Trail N. <br />Ann Scovill, <br />8056 Hill Trail N. <br />Barb Walsh, <br />8027 50th St. N. <br />Paul Huot, <br />4955 Jamaca Ave. N. <br />Paul Novak, <br />11074 Upper 33rd St. <br />Bill Stevenson, <br />8895 Jane Road N. <br />Nancy Hansen, <br />8024 Hill Trail N. <br />