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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 1994 3 <br />B. Appointments to Parks Commission <br />M/S/C Johnston/Johnson - to appoint Steve DeLapp, 8468 Lake Jane Trail and <br />Heidi Nietzel, 3291 Lampert Avenue N., as Full Voting Members, and Rand <br />Wagner, 3286 Lampert Avenue N., as First Alternate, Steve Diederichs, 4235 Ivy <br />Court N., as Second Alternate to the Lake Elmo Parks Commission. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />C. Response from Oakdale regarding joint meeting <br />The Council received a letter from Mayor Ted Bearth recommending that the <br />respective mayors, city administrators and engineers meet on April 13, 1994 to <br />discuss a potential approach to resolving the Section 32/33 issues. <br />M/S/C Conlin/Mottaz - to instruct Mayor Wyn John to participate in a meeting <br />with Mayor Ted Bearth on April 13, 1994, together with city managers/ <br />administrators and engineers to discuss the issues between the city's relating to <br />a common border in Section 32/33 and the possibility of implementing a joint <br />utility project to serve the area subject to the following conditions: (1) The Mayor <br />shall not be considered a committee or subcommittee of the council for this <br />purpose as those terms are used in the MN Open Meeting law, (2) The Mayor <br />shall have no authority to act on behalf of the city without further council <br />approval, (3) The Mayor shall report to the council regarding the content of such <br />discussions, (4) The Council reserves the right to reevaluate the efficacy of the <br />discussion process after the meeting of April 13th. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. DNR Trail Grant Update <br />M/S/C Johnson/John - to authorize spending up to $20,521 as Lake Elmo's <br />share in a three-way split with Washington County, Oakdale for a 3.47 mile <br />separated trail from Hadley to County Road 19. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution No. 94-9, Adopting 1994 Comp. Plan Amendment <br />The Metropolitan Council approved Lake Elmo's 464 acre Comprehensive Plan <br />amendment at its March 3, 1994 meeting. <br />M/S/C Johnston/Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 94-9 amending the Future <br />Land Use Map of the 1990 Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan. (Motion carried 4- <br />0-1:Abstain:Mottaz:He is one of the property owners requesting a <br />comprehensive plan amendment). <br />