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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 5, 1994 4 <br />B. Ordinance 8094, Rezoning Lake Elmo Heights Outlot A <br />The Metropolitan Council has favorably responded to our Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment to allow this property to be rezoned to RE. <br />M/S Conlin/John - to adopt Ordinance 8094, Rezoning Outlot A, Lake Elmo <br />Heights 2nd Addition, to Residential Estates <br />A Lake Elmo Heights resident asked if there was a legal agreement between the <br />city and developer of Lake Elmo Heights requiring Outlot A to remain open <br />space and allow nothing more than one single family dwelling. <br />M/S/C Johnston/Mottaz - to table motion until the city attorney can render a legal <br />opinion of the enforceability of the agreement at the April 19th council meeting. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Resolution No. 94-10, Minor Subdivision:Dege/Raleigh <br />M/S/C Johnson/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 94-10, A Resolution granting <br />a Minor Subdivision to George and Kathleen Dege and Jay and Mary Raleigh as <br />recommended by the Planning Commission. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Ordinance 8095, Rezoning Dege/Raleigh <br />M/S/C John/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance 8095, An Ordinance amending <br />Section 301.070C of the 1979 Municipal Code allowing a rezoning from <br />Agricultural (AG) to Rural Residential (RR). (Motion carried 5-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />Claim #2526 General Safety Equipment Co.. New F350 Truck Cab & Chassis <br />Chief Sachs reported the truck came to Station 1 for a weekend and the officers <br />went over the truck and chassis making sure it was specked as ordered. The <br />truck was delivered the following week to General Safety, Wyoming, MN. As of <br />this date, the truck is half completed with delivery expected on April 25th. The <br />truck will be brought to the first council meeting in May. <br />M/S/C Johnson/Johnston - to approve the April 5, 1994 Claims #2506 through <br />42547 as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Resolution No. 94-11, Kern Minor Subdivision <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to approve Resolution No. 94-11, as amended (delete <br />conditions on page 3) granting a Minor Subdivision to Ann M. Kern and Arlene <br />W. Kern. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />