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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 19, 1994 2 <br />the effects of any further expansion of commercial property and/or business so close to <br />their homesteads. This expansion could have negative effects on their property values <br />as well as the unsightliness of several more storage buildings on the adjoining property. <br />A letter was received from Susan Dunn, P.O. Box 153, requesting the Council to ask <br />the Washington County Public Works Dept. to address the council and interested <br />residents on what is now proposed for the road known as County 10. <br />In the letter dated July 19, 1994 to the City Council, Donald Theisen, WCPW, <br />responded to Susan Dunn's letter, dated July 16, 1994, stating the 10th Street project <br />has not changed in scope from their discussion and city approval. They do plan on <br />updating the Council as pertinent information evolves. <br />M/S/P Johnson/John - to invite a representative from the WCPW Dept. to give an <br />update on the project and changes at the next council meeting, (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Huff'n Puff Days <br />Cindy Quick, Huff'n Puff Chairperson, asked the city to proclaim August 11-14, as Lake <br />Elmo's Huff'n Puff city celebration, and to waive the fees for the lights at Lions Park and <br />for the liquor license. An invitation was extended to the city council to play in the <br />celebrity softball game. <br />The proclamation and liquor license application have not been submitted and will be on <br />the next council agenda. <br />M/S/P John/Conlin - to waive the fees for the lights at Lions Park during Huff'n Puff <br />Days, August 11-14, 1994. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Heritage Preservation Ordinance (Tabled until the final draft has been reviewed <br />by the HPC.) <br />B. Vehicle for Building Official <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Conlin - to authorize the staff to purchase a 1994 Escort wagon from <br />Stillwater Ford and budget an additional $9,000 (General Fund) in 1995 for Building <br />Inspector's Vehicle. (Motion passed 5-0) <br />Council member Conlin suggested a City of Lake Elmo sign, either magnetic or painted, <br />be placed on the vehicle. She also questioned what will happen to the old truck. <br />Councilman Johnson questioned storage for the vehicle. Such possibilities discussed: <br />Parks Building, Maintenance Garage, adding a lean-to on the back of the Parks Bldg., <br />or permitting vehicle be driven by Building Official back and forth so it can be kept in his <br />garage. <br />