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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 19, 1994 4 <br />Dan Parker, Business Manager, Stillwater Area Schools, requested a change in the <br />variance request. A decision had been made that it would be in the best interest of all <br />parties if this parking lot could be developed on district property. Therefore, only a <br />variance from (Section 301.130) the hard surface requirement is still requested. <br />There was no one to speak against the variance request. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 8:08 p.m. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/John - to grant the requested variance to Section 301.130 relating to <br />bituminous surface coverage of all non-residential parking areas to Stillwater Area <br />Schools for a proposed temporary gravel parking lot, sketch dated 7/19/94, based on <br />the following reasons: <br />1. This property is zoned PF. There is not a lot of PF zoned property in the city. The <br />property is in the vicinity of the "Old Village". Numerous variances have been similarly <br />granted in the Old Village. <br />2. A school should have safe and adequate parking for staff and visitors. <br />3. The school district is not the cause of the increased enrollment. They are trying to <br />deal with a crisis situation for the health, safety and welfare of the school's staff, <br />students, and visitors. <br />4. Since there is very little PF zoning, there have not been other requests. <br />5. The applicants are proposing approximately 6,000 square feet of additional parking <br />space. <br />6. The variance is proposed to be temporary (3 to 5 years). There should d be no <br />long-term affect on any property in the area or in the same zoning district. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />Larry Bohrer reported that the Stillwater School District has asked TKDA to assist them <br />in the design on the construction of the parking lot. <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz - to support TKDA as the consulting engineer for the Stillwater <br />School District on construction of the parking lot. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Surface Water Use Regulations Ordinance <br />The Public Hearing Notice was published in the July 13, 1994 Stillwater Gazette Extra <br />and the Surface Water Use Ordinance was published in the July City Newsletter. <br />