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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 19, 1994 5 <br />On June 1, 1994 the Surface Water Use Committee met with the City Council to <br />discuss the Surface Water Use Ordinance Some suggested changes made at that <br />meeting were: <br />1. Specific exclusion of any kind and all motorboat races. <br />2. Specific exclusion of water skiing schools for money) <br />3. Specific exclusion of water ski jumps. <br />4. Address bathrooms, particularly in the winter. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. <br />The Council received a letter from Meier, 4731 Birch bark Trail; Hirsch, 4689 Birchbark <br />Trail; McDonough, 4711 Birchbark Trail; and Taylor, 4677 Birchbark Trail submitting an <br />addition to Section 1455.03 Subd.9, Safe Operation Distance as follows: It is unlawful <br />to operate or permit the operation of motorboat, which includes personal watercraft, in <br />excess of slow -no wake speed, or to tow a person(s) on water skis or other devices <br />within one hundred (100) feet of a shoreline, dock, raft, swimmer or any other <br />watercraft. <br />Mayor John brought up his concern on the confusion of the terminology of Surface <br />Water Use Ordinance and proposed the name of the Ordinance to be Recreational <br />Lake Use. Nancy Hansen explained the DNR refers to the regulations as Water Surface <br />Use. <br />Joe Kiesling, 9359 Jane Rd N., pointed out on page 6, Prohibited Uses, such as <br />regattas and races were never discussed at the joint meeting. The Tri Lakes Assoc. is <br />celebrating their 40th anniversary and would like to have.a regatta and races. <br />Administrator Kueffner explained she added all the language out of the Minnesota <br />boating regulation handbook for purpose of discussion and elimination. <br />Mike Moen, supported the ordinance as written, and added that motor boat races, <br />water skiing schools for money, and water ski jumps were discussed at the June <br />meeting, but NOT the other prohibited uses. It is very important to him to make sure <br />that the adolescents feel this is the place where they can feel comfortable and water ski <br />and use the lakes. Sometimes what appears as nuisances to us, those are things, not <br />necessarily dangerous, adolescents like to do and would like the council to keep that in <br />mind. <br />Nancy Hansen, 8024 Hill Trail N., explained the DNR must approve the ordinance if <br />there are any changes or additions. The draft ordinance as submitted was approved by <br />the DNR. <br />Chris Nelson asked how do you determine how far a raft can be put out into the water <br />and suggested rafts be marked in order to be seen . Joe Kiesling responded that rafts <br />are regulated under the DNR. <br />