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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 19, 1994 6 <br />Paul Huot, 4955 Jamaca Avenue N., thought the ordinance as written is good. The <br />intent of the 1 00'from the shoreline is a DNR regulation and allows skiers to make a <br />direct path out into the boating lanes from their dock or shore straight out and then out <br />into the boating lanes, but not to go parallel to shoreline within a 100'. The Tri-Lake <br />Assoc. offers swimming lessons for free so would this be a prohibited use as stated on <br />Page 6. Subd 2. <br />Scotty Lyall had no objection to appropriate marking on rafts. At one time there was a <br />fee taken by property owners to allow ice fisherman on Lake Jane. He has not found <br />any relationship between the speed and the wake and felt it must be in the hull design <br />and motor. <br />Mayor John received a telephone call from Diane Acree who lives on Lake Elmo now, <br />but previously lived on Lake Minnetonka. Her concern is there's no indication of any <br />speed limit in the ordinance as it is on Minnetonka and on super power boats traveling <br />at over 30 mph with non muffled exhausts that make high noise levels. Joe Kiesling <br />responded that the DNR has a decibel level to stay within. <br />Jim Dillon, 8190 Hill Trail N., indicated the committee had Mark Caroon, Washington <br />County Sheriff's Dept., discuss that issue and his response was that the state of <br />Minnesota has no speed limits on its lakes, but does have noise levels. <br />` Jim Burns asked where can he find out the lake levels. Administrator Kueffner <br />responded the city has monthly reported lake levels. He added they use the lake for <br />recreation and felt it's great to have the children stay home to water ski or play <br />volleyball rather than go to St. Paul. What some may construe noisy, is indeed very <br />wholesome recreation to others. Burns provided pictures of erosion control methods on <br />lake property with a no -wake situation in Wisconsin. <br />Mark Peterson asked how many days this year have we reached the high water level <br />on Lake DeMontreville? Kiesling responded that the high water level had not been <br />reached this year, nor last year, and have not been affected by the no -wake regulation. <br />Peterson questioned the purpose and found the following confusing: Subd d 4. <br />Excessive Speed: all motorboats operating in excess of slow/no wake shall operate in a <br />counter clockwise direction such routes are to cross the North/South East/West <br />medians of the Lake. Mayor John explained this was added because of his concern of <br />boaters who left their dock and zipped past their shoreline within 100' going clockwise <br />at full speed. <br />Marilyn Kennedy voiced her concern that the 100' regulation is not specific enough. A <br />rule in which people are trying to define and depict what behavior should be. Obviously <br />we have a situation in which people are not trying to cooperate, but doing what they <br />want to do. Unfortunately, we cannot legislate good behavior or honesty within people. <br />The Lakeshore owners that have signed the letter are low to the water and.have a <br />