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07-19-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-19-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 19, 1994 7 <br />problem with erosion. At what point do we disregard the respect of others for our own <br />benefits and say its up to you to protect your property, at what cost, so that I can have <br />fun. Address issues of good neighbors, tolerance and respect. <br />Bill Stevenson, 8895 Jane Rd. N., reinforced Marilyn Kennedy's comments about rules <br />of decency and good behavior. These people that are violating most of the rules of the <br />lake know they are violating them. Where is the enforcement of these regulations? <br />Debbie Dean, 8028 Hill Trail N., stated if you put more restrictions on the lake is that <br />going to help it or hurt the people that do abide by the laws. Obviously, they do have a <br />problem with a few people on the lake that are not following the laws. This is a <br />question of enforcement. Dean voiced her objection to prohibiting swimming lessons. <br />Joe Kiesling indicated the ordinance is fine, but what we need to do is develop <br />enforcement. <br />Ann Scovill explained the DNR already has regulations on rafts --you have to have a <br />permit number and lights or reflectors on rafts. Maybe, we should consider changing <br />the hours according to state law. The 100' from shoreline regulation should be looked <br />at again because the verbiage may be more restrictive than the original intent of the <br />committee. <br />Lois DeLong stated they are using Olson Lake as a holding pond for Oakdale's <br />drainage ditches and ponds. Another Oakdale development has scheduled runoff into <br />Olson Lake. The level of Olson Lake is higher than Lake Jane. We didn't get relief for <br />lowering the lake that was promised from the VBWD plan We might not be able to <br />have water-skiing on Lake Olson because the lake is so high. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 9:12 p.m. <br />Council member Conlin indicated she received telephone calls with the same concerns <br />that were expressed tonight. The committee recommended that all lake residences <br />receive a copy of the new ordinance, but asked how do we ensure these homeowners <br />receive the regs covered by the DNR. <br />Councilman Mottaz would like to see addressed the speed of automobiles, racing, on <br />the lake in the winter. <br />Attorney Filla stated even if there is a budget for the Sheriff's to patrol, the number of <br />hours and lakes is such that effective law enforcement has to have input from <br />lakeshore owners. The process is to file a complaint, a citation would-be issued, if the <br />matter has to go to trial, you have to testify. A directive or memo from the city <br />explaining the process is appropriate. <br />
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