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08-16-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-16-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 2 <br />C. Vacancy on VBWD <br />The term of Russ Kirby on the VBWD expires on November 16, 1994. If anyone in the <br />City is interested in filling this position, an application can be sent to them. The Council <br />has about 30 days to submit names; therefore, this item will be back on the September <br />agenda. <br />Barb Walsh, 8027 50th St. N., stated it has come to her attention that the council has <br />determined that there can be no further storage of vehicles, trailers, boats between the <br />houses on the lake and the road. This causes undue hardship and requests <br />reconsideration of the definition of front yard in the shoreland district. The Administrator <br />will place this item on next council agenda. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Recommendation form Planning Commission on Day of Meeting and Number of <br />Planning Commission Members <br />Council member Johnston pointed out the Council meeting often provides direction and <br />may affect the PZ agenda for the next meeting. She asked if it is practical for the <br />council to say the packet will be ready for mailing Tuesday before the council meeting. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnson - that the staff be directed to make an effort to have them on <br />Wednesday, but that the packets be delivered to the commissioner's homes no later <br />than Thursday night. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Johnson/Mottaz - to accept the recommendation of the PZ to reduce the PZ <br />members from nine to seven with two alternates for a total of nine members, to be <br />phased in so as to not demote a full voting member to an alternate position. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />B. Ordinance 8103 Correcting Goetschel legal description for annexation <br />M/S/P Johnson/Mottaz - to adopt Ordinance 8103 amending Section 1, Subd. 2 and <br />Section 3 of Ordinance 8100 to comply with the legal description requested by the <br />Washington County Recorder's Office. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Impound Agreement with St. Croix Animal Shelter <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out the changes from the last agreement were: <br />kenneling fees for each unclaimed animal from $7.35 to $9.00, relinquishing fee for <br />each unclaimed animal from $21 to $24.50 Council member Conlin asked since the <br />fees for the city are going to increase on September 1, 1994, should not the new fees <br />be incorporated in the city ordinance. Kueffner responded the fee schedule can be set <br />by resolution and ready for the next council meeting, <br />
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