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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to approve a reduction in escrow from $288,750.00 to $5,000.00 <br />for the Rolling Hills Development based on a favorable recommendation from the city <br />engineer. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Bids for Water Tower Painting <br />Larry Bohrer reported bids were received for painting of the water tank repairs with the <br />following results: Maguire Iron, Inc. $16,775.00 <br />Tenyer Coatings $20,000.00 <br />Rainbow, Inc. $21,375.00 <br />Maguire also furnished a price of $11,775.00 if the work can be done by June 15, 1995. <br />Tenyer's bid was conditioned upon doing work in the spring of 1995. <br />Because Lake Elmo's water system has only one tank, we can only take the tank out of <br />service when the water demand, especially from lawn sprinkling, is low. That is the fall <br />of the year. <br />M/S/P Johnson/John - to award the water tank painting to the low bidder, Maguire Iron, <br />Inc. to be completed by October 15, 1994 for the low bid price of $16,775.00. This <br />award is conditioned upon insurance company concurrence. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Valley Branch Watershed Districts 509 Plan Amendment <br />The Council received a letter from Gordy Grundeen, 8270 Hidden Bay Trail, raising <br />some concerns that he and his son have raised after reviewing the Plan amendment. <br />Mr. Grundeen clarified these concerns at the meeting. <br />Mayor John reported that last Thursday, the shoreline of Nick Winkel's property and <br />that of his immediate neighbors was desecrated by a thick green slime with the <br />consistency of latex paint. This is the result of the Valley Branch Watershed's <br />discharge from the Olson Lake Estates Pond which Lake Elmo has strongly resisted. <br />They have positive proof that Lakes Demontreville and Olson are separate bodies of <br />water and that the dilution factors used in Barr Engineering estimates of the affect of <br />the discharges are completely wrong. This information will be used to object to the <br />VBWD, DNR, PCA and Corps of Engineers to the results of unrestrained development <br />in wetland areas, as well as the ineffectiveness of theories on wetland mitigation. <br />Secchi disc water transparency readings were included for the record. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnston to table until the September 6, 1994 council meeting in order <br />for Larry Bohrer to have time to review the 509 Plan Amendment. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz - to send a letter to the Board of Water & Soil Resources requesting <br />they hold a hearing on the VBWD plan amendment. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />