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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 2, 1994 2 <br />Informational meeting on the Junker Superfund Landfill will be held on Tuesday, August <br />16, 1994, 10 a.m. at the Community Room in the St. Croix County Govt. Center in <br />Hudson, Wise. <br />Council received a letter from Eldon Smith, 32nd Street, indicating they submitted a <br />petition signed by everyone on 32nd Street to make their street safe for those who live <br />on it or children who play on it, and they got signs saying "Limited Sight Distance". <br />They even took the 25 mph speed sign so they don't have a speed limit any more. <br />Many people use 32nd Street as a shortcut to the highway and drive at dangerous <br />speeds. <br />Per Dan Olinger, there are two "25 mph speed limit" signs, one on each end, and two <br />"Limited Sight Distance-1/2 mile" signs placed on both ends of street. One of the 25 <br />mph speed limit sign had been moved 100'. <br />Administrator Kueffner will respond to Mr. Smith's letter addressing the Council's <br />reaction. If speeding is a problem on the street, Councilman Johnson suggested <br />requesting deputies patrol 32nd Street to see if it would help the situation. <br />B. Jaycee Proclamation (Huffn Puff) <br />MAYOR JOHN PROCLAIMED THE SECOND WEEK OF AUGUST, 1994 TO BE <br />HUFF'N PUFF DAYS, THE OFFICIAL CITY CELEBRATION FOR 1994 IN LAKE <br />ELMO, AND URGE ALL CITIZENS OF OUR COMMUNITY TO GIVE FULL REGARD <br />TO THE PAST AND CONTINUING SERVICE OF THE LAKE ELMO JAYCEES. <br />C. Jaycee Non -Intoxicating Liquor License <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to grant a non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License to the Lake <br />Elmo Jaycees for Huff's Puff days and further to waive the license fee. (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />D. Invitation from MAC to tour city facilities <br />Bill Wacker, MAC Chairman, invited the Council to tour the Fire Department facility and <br />Maintenance Building. The council scheduled the tour for Monday, September 12, 7 <br />p.m., Mr. Wacker will check with the Fire Chief and Maintenance Foreman if this date <br />is convenient. <br />5. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Martin Colon-resubmittal of application <br />Attorney Filla explained there are provisions in the city code that deal with the <br />procedure for reviewing appeals of administrative determinations. Notice of Appeal <br />