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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 2, 1994 3 <br />was filed on July 20. 1994. The procedure requires that the applicant be personally <br />served at least 10 days before the hearing or be given mailed notice at least 13 days <br />before the hearing. Filla recommended that the council not conduct this hearing <br />tonight, but continue it to the August 16, 1994 meeting. <br />Don Niles responded he would expect the city council would want to follow their <br />ordinances and hear this matter on August 16. On behalf of Martin Colon, they will <br />waive the requirement for personal service as long as they receive notice by mail of the <br />scheduled hearing on the council agenda. <br />M/S/P Johnston/John - to schedule an appeal hearing on the Martin Colon application <br />for August 16, 1994 and the applicant be served with the proper notice. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Olson Lake Estates Pond (Continuation) <br />Valley Branch Plan Amendment <br />Bohrer reported that as the draft was being written, the VBWD provided copies to all the <br />communities in sections and the cities' commented on these sections. It's a matter of <br />comparing those comments to the final draft to see if they incorporated any of the <br />comments. Bohrer estimated a $1,000 cost to review and submit comments at the <br />August 16 meeting which will be passed on to the VBWD. <br />M/S/P Johnson/John - to direct the city engineer to review the VBWD plan amendment <br />and submit written comments to the City Council by August 16, 1994 for their review. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P John/Johnson - to direct the city administrator to make a formal response to <br />withdraw the City's Intervention in the permit request by VBWD to the DNR on the <br />temporary discharge permit from Olson Lakes Estates Pond into Olson Lake. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />Administrator Kueffner will update Attorney Dayton of the Council's action and see if <br />this is the right procedure <br />B. Highway 36 Meeting - Update <br />As a result of the comments at the workshop meeting with Pine Springs, Grant <br />Township and Lake Elmo, another joint meeting to include residents of all three <br />communities was called for August 24 at the Stillwater Senior High School. <br />Don Theisen, Washington County Public Works mentioned he would be in attendance <br />at this meeting. <br />