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04-04-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-04-95 CCM
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MINUTES APPROVED: 4-18-95 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />APRIL 4, 1995 <br />Acting Mayor Johnston called the council meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. in the council chambers. <br />PRESENT: Hunt, Conlin, Johnston, DeLapp, City Engineer Bohrer, City Attorney Filla, and Administrator <br />Kueffner. ABSENT: Mayor John <br />1. AGENDA <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin -to approve the April 4, 1995 City Council agenda as presented. (Motion passed 4- <br />0). <br />2. MINUTES: March 21, 1995 <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to approve the March 21, 1995 City Council minutes as amended. (Motion passed <br />4-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin -to approve the April 4, 1995 Claims #3594 through #3620 as presented. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAUINQUIRIES: <br />Dick Johnson, 8896 Lake Jane Trail, explained there are residents on Lake Jane who object to the <br />holding of Water Ski Shows because of the noise pollution the residents would have to endure. A <br />grandstand area to view this event is planned at the location (9359 Jane Road N.) of the Kiesling home. <br />Johnson voiced his concern on the traffic and parking on Jane Road North because this is a very narrow <br />street with no shoulders. If this water ski show has to be held, Dick felt it should be held on a larger lake <br />like DeMontreville. He's concerned about the fact that this is a beginning of an attempt to have water ski <br />clubs, shows and schools on Lake Jane. Dick Johnson will send his comments to the Washington County <br />Sheriff's Dept. and the Tri-Lakes Association. <br />S. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Update on Olson Lake Estates Pond Discharge <br />Peter Zetterberg, VBWD, reported the VBWD requested that the City of Oakdale remove the outlet plug <br />in the control structure from the Olson Lake Estates Pond on March 27, 1995. VBWD plans to monitor <br />Lake Olson throughout the permitted discharge period ending August 31, 1995. Zetterberg informed the <br />council that a permanent solution for an outlet for the pond has been sought. The preferred option to the <br />Plan Revision will be a pipe system leading south along Olson Trail, then at Hidden Bay Trail, cut <br />southeast across Pebble Park to Lake Jane Trail, and follow Lake Jane Trail to Structure 9. The VBWD is <br />aware of the City's plan to reconstruct Lake Jane Trail from Ideal to 42nd Street in a year or two and will <br />cooperate in scheduling this project so they would not be digging up what the City just laid down. One of <br />the reasons for selecting this option is it addresses a potential future problem which is the 3M property <br />just north of 40th and west of Olson Lake Trail. There are indications that 3M is thinking of developing <br />that land, and 9 they do so, VBWD will have exactly the same situation as we had with Olson Lake <br />Estates. They would require a variance from the VBWD if they wanted an outlet from that property. <br />Granting this variance would depend on what is proposed there and on the reaction of involved <br />communities. The cost for the preferred option will be in the region of $625,000. The financing of the <br />project will be dealt with in VBWD's regular meeting. Three options considered: (1) use an ad valorem tax <br />over the entire watershed district. (2) look at only the subwatershed district that is involved (3) <br />combination of both options. The Council indicated that Option 2 was the best option for financing the <br />project. <br />
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