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04-04-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-04-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 <br />Bohrer explained the City of Oakdale was the first municipality in the VBWD district to have a developed <br />local surface water management plan. When the VBWD was formulating their overall surface water <br />management plan, they had a City of Oakdale plan to review. This plan showed that there would be <br />discharges from areas that Lake Elmo viewed to be landlocked or semi -landlocked. On Oakdale Surface <br />Water Plan, they showed the outletting of these areas by means of an arrow indicating direction of <br />drainage for surface water. Lake Elmo had an opportunity to review that plan, and we commented that <br />we viewed these areas as landlocked and to provide an outlet would be contrary to the philosophy of no <br />increase in runoff. That plan was adopted and incorporated in the overall VBWD plan. Oakdale believes <br />they have an approved plan which shows discharges in some fashion for outlets out of these areas. <br />Mr. Zetterberg stated VBWD did not approve a surface water management plan stating that a variance <br />was approved. VBWD would never approve anything Oakdale wanted to do on this site without <br />cautiously granting a variance. Oakdale does not have any permission to go ahead and do what they <br />want on that site and we (VBWD) have made it very clear to them. <br />Bohrer pointed out that in the Exec. Summary it talks about four possible sources of funding. Funding <br />such a project would most likely be divided between subwatershed taxing districts tributary to the Olson <br />Lake Estates Pond (485 acres) and subwatershed OL-17 (3M land if an outlet is provide), district wide ad <br />valorem tax and possibly a special taxing district of Lake Olson. In the expanded funding portion of the <br />plan that fourth option (a special taxing district for Lake Olson) does not appear. Zetterberg felt the fourth <br />option was in error and should not be included. He would make sure this option would be removed. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Site and Building Plan Review: Adding Garage Doors, Applicant:Steve Johnson, 2945 Lake Elmo <br />Avenue N. <br />Steve Johnson, 2945 Lake Elmo Avenue, has applied for a Site and Building Plan Review for the purpose <br />of putting four roll -up doors on a building located on the south side of Upper 33rd Street, west of Lake <br />Elmo Mill and the U.S. West switching station. The building is zoned Industrial, was originally built for <br />storage and has been used for storage. Mr. Johnson intends to do some maintenance to the building, <br />and he will not change the size of the building. He owns the apartment building to the north (on 34th <br />Street) and will be storing miscellaneous garage type items in the building. There will be NO outside <br />storage of any kind. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to approve the Site and Building Plan for Steve Johnson, 2945 Lake Elmo Avenue <br />N., to improve property located at the south side of Upper 33rd Street west of Lake Elmo Mill and the <br />U.S. West switching station to be used for storing miscellaneous garage type items in the building. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />Larry Bohrer informed Mr. Johnson, as the new potential owner, that a Bituminous Overlay project is <br />being planned for Upper 33rd Street and there is a proposed street assessment. <br />B. Repealing Section 301.070 D.i.b. (6) permitting Recording Studios in the Agricultural Zoning <br />District <br />At their March 27, 1995 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to repeal "Recording <br />Studios" as a use permitted by CUP in the Agricultural Zoning District. There were no proponents or <br />opponents. On a 5-0 vote the commission recommended the city council adopt an ordinance repealing <br />Section 301.070 D.1.b.(6) - Recording Studios in the Lake Elmo Municipal Code. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to direct the staff to prepare an ordinance to repeal Section 301.070 D.11.b.(6) <br />Permitting Recording Studios in the Agricultural Zoning District in the Lake Elmo Municipal Code based <br />on recording studios are not an Ag related use, the city will be undergoing an 1-94 study for the <br />Comprehensive Plan. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />
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