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NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA: <br />1. The City shall call for a dialog of parties with interests in the <br />future land use within the Washington County I-94 Corridor, if <br />possible under the sponsorship of the Office of the Governor. <br />2. The City shall encourage the development of a shared vision and a <br />shared plan of implementation for development in this Corridor. <br />3. The City will share I-94 Corridor data gathered by the end of <br />summer 1995 with the Minnesota Design Team to assist this group's <br />efforts in recommending alternative land uses and development <br />approaches as part of its Fall visit to Lake Elmo. <br />4. The City shall propose that these efforts commence in May, 1995 <br />and the study portion of the efforts be complete and agreed to within <br />12 months. <br />5. The City shall modify its Comprehensive Plan and ask the County <br />to modify its Comprehensive Plan to reflect decisions made for land <br />use within the I-94 Corridor. (- <br />Adopted by the Council this day of May, 1995 <br />Wyn John, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />Mary Kueffner, Administrator <br />Motion <br />Second_______ <br />Ayes -------- Nays <br />