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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1995 4 <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Sanitary Sewer Improvements in Section 33 <br />Mayor John opened up thepublichearing at 9:20 p.m. in the council chambers. The public hearing <br />notice was published in the June 9 & 16 Stillwater Gazette and the June 14, 1995 Stillwater Gazette <br />Extra and the affected property owners were notified. <br />Larry Bohrer reviewed the proposed sanitary sewer improvement project, explained the costs and <br />assessments to benefited properties and provided a map of the location of the water main system. <br />George Burkards, The Northland Company, stated the Northland Co. is the property owner that petitioned <br />the city to commence the process for determining the cost of extending sanitary sewer and water <br />improvements for the SE 1/4 of Section 33 (United Properties property). They are in preliminary stages <br />right now and will be working with the City on a land use plan for a business park with offices, some light <br />manufacturing, with commercial for the front portion of the property. <br />Steve Kopesky, North Country Ski Shop, stated he was surprised to receive a notice for these <br />improvements because he had not been notified prior to the public hearing notice. Kopesky did see a <br />benefit, but asked what happens to the one acre of land between Crossroads and the Ski Shop. <br />Roger Goss, 8910 Hudson Blvd. (Crossroad Collision), stated he wasn't for or against the proposal, but <br />Indicated he just put in a $7,000 drainfield and sod last fall and wished he had known about the proposed <br />sanitary sewer Improvements. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 9:45 p.m. <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to adopt Resolution. No. 95-41 Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans <br />for sanitary sewer and water services for the SE 1/4 of Section 33 with upgrading the system to provide <br />for potential expansion of the MUSA for an additional 280 acres. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. CASE NO. ZAW95-18 Rezoning from RR to RE, Royal Oaks Realty <br />On June 12, 1995, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the request of Mike Black, <br />Royal Oaks Realty, to rezone the property commonly known as the James Meehan property (78.43 acres <br />located north of 15th Street in Section 21, west of County Road 13 and adjacent to the City of Oakdale) <br />from RR to RE. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 in favor of approving the rezoning. <br />Thomas G. Armstrong had submitted to the Planning Commission a letter stating he had no objection to <br />the rezoning, subdivision plat, and the variances requested, providing the developer fence the south line <br />of the entire parcel. The Council fell the request was not appropriate at this stage, but would be <br />discussed at the time of the site and plan review. <br />WS/P Johnston/DeLapp - to adopt Ordinance 8117 amending Section 301.070 C(Zoning District Map) of <br />the 1979 Lake Elmo Municipal Code and rezoning the described parcel; Royal Oaks Realty (commonly <br />known as the Meehan Property) That part of the South Had of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 21, Township <br />29N, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota from Rural Residential (RR) to Residential Estates <br />(RE) based on the following reasons: (1) This land use designation of (RED) Rural Estate density is <br />identified on the Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan; (2) This type of residential land use <br />has access to necessary facilities, services, and convenience to schools and areas of employment, <br />primarily in the central business districts of St. Paul and Mpls.; (3) This type of residential land use may <br />sustain natural environmental systems and will avoid the extension of municipal sewer outside the <br />presently defined MUSA; (4) This land use designation creates the opportunity fora private and relaxed <br />lifestyle; and (5) The (RE) Residential Estate Zoning District implements the policies for residential <br />development. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />