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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 1995 <br />F. Approve Administrator and Planner's visit to Overland Park, Kansas <br />Administrator Kueffner and Planner Terwedo requested approval to visit Overland Park in Kansas which <br />is a high quality development with landscaping, a good transportation system, and contains a Rural <br />Center. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to approve the Administrator and Planner's visit to Overland, Kansas to gather <br />information on Overland Park. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />G. Purchase of Washington County Parcel Data <br />H. GIS Services <br />City Planner, Ann Terwedo, provided a memo to the Council, dated July 12, 1995, requesting purchase of <br />the digital database from Washington County and contract for services to prepare maps for City Planner <br />purposes. The total cost for the purchase of the data and contract services is $4,790. This expenditure <br />was anticipated for the new planning function. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to purchase the digital database from Washington County at a cost of $1,440. <br />(Motion passed 5- 0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to contract for services of Insights Mapping as outlined in their proposal dated <br />June 18, 1995 at a cost of $3,360. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />I. Ordinance adopting 1994 State Building Code <br />The 1994 Uniform Building Code was adopted by the State of Minnesota on March 20, 1995. All cities <br />outside the seven County metro area intending to enforce the new codes are required to adopt the code <br />individually. Although all communities within the seven County metro area are required to enforce the <br />existing codes, Jim McNamara said it is still necessary to amend our City Code to include new (now <br />existing) 1994 Building Code. Councilmember DeLapp asked that the Council review the ordinance on <br />sprinklering of buildings for possible adoption. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to adopt Ordinance 8122, an ordinance amending Section 501 BUILDING <br />CODE adopting the 1994 Uniform Building Code. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />J. Ordinance repealing Recording Studios as a permitted use in Ag Zoning District <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to adopt Ordinance 8123 repealing Section 301.070 D.i.b. (6) relating to <br />Recording Studios initially adopted by Ordinance 8089 on August 17, 1993. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL <br />A. Re.A.P.P. <br />Dan Novak, Co -Chair of Re.A.P.P., indicated Re.A.P.P. has dissolved effective March 27, 1995, and he <br />presented a copy of a check to the Council in the amount of $2,869, from the remaining Re.A.P.P. <br />proceeds, to be used for maintenance of Lake Elmo parks. The Council acknowledged and thanked Co- <br />chairs Dan Novak and Todd Williams and ReAPP members, Margaret Carlson and Rita Conlin, for their <br />participation in fighting the proposed landfill In the Regional Park. <br />