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07-18-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-18-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 1996 <br />B. Huff n'Puff Proclamation; Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License; waiving fee for use of city <br />facilities <br />M/S/P Johnston/John - to PROCLAIM AUGUST 10-13, 1995 TO BE HUFF'N PUFF DAYS, THE <br />OFFICIAL CITY CELEBRATION FOR 1995 IN LAKE ELMO AND URGE ALL CITIZENS OF OUR <br />COMMUNITY TO GIVE FULL REGARD TO THE PAST AND CONTINUING SERVICES OF THE LAKE <br />ELMO JAYCEES. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to approve an on -sale non -intoxicating malt liquor license to the Lake Elmo <br />Jaycees for its annual Huff'n Puff festival to be held August 10 through August 13, 1995 to waive the <br />fees for the liquor license and balifields. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />The Jaycees invited the City Council, City workers and the Fire Dept. to participate in a fun game of <br />softball against local businesses on Saturday, August 12, 4:00 p.m. at Lions Park. <br />C. Washington County Public Works - Discussion on CR 13 (Inwood) Street Project - Postponed to <br />August 1, 1995 City Council Meeting <br />D. Jamaca vs. Jamaica <br />In February, 1995, the council authorized the County to change the spelling of Jamaca to Jamaica <br />because the Council was under the impression that they were correcting a spelling error. The City has <br />received six letters from residents living on Jamaca objecting to this change. In an article that appeared <br />In the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper stated the spelling of the street apparently was not a mistake, <br />but Intentionally spelled Jamaca. and the article explains why. <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to notify Washington County because the spelling of "Jamaca" was intentional, the <br />City does not wish to make the city-wide change to Jamaica. (Motion passed 4-1:Hunt:Since Cottage <br />Grove, Forest Lake Township and Washington County are changing the name, he would like to maintain <br />the consistency with Washington County.) <br />E. Tri-Lakes Association's 40th Anniversary Celebration - Activities on Lake Jane, at. at <br />The City received a letter from the Tri-Lakes Association and permit application for the water show <br />proposed for Lake Jane. Residents on Lake Jane have been notified of this permit request. The Tri- <br />Lakes Assoc. has secured the appropriate insurance coverage and the Sheriff's Dept. will sign off on the <br />permit pending Council approval. The area proposed for the Water Show is shown on map provided. <br />Dick Johnson, 8896 Lake Jane Trail, stated he thought a water ski show is not appropriate on Lake Jane <br />because the lake is small and there is inappropriate parking on the road. He objected to this event and <br />was concerned that this would not be a one time event. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to approve the permit request of Joe Kiesling on behalf of the Tri-Lakes <br />Association to place markers on Lake Jane for a Water Ski Show on July 22, 1995 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. <br />because this is a one time special event and not an annual event. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. Valley Branch Watershed District's Public Hearing on Olson Lake Estates' Pond Improvements <br />The City received a Notice of Public Hearing regarding the Valley Branch Watershed District Olson Lakes <br />Estates Pond Outlet project from 7-9 p.m. on Monday, July 31, 1995 at Oakland Jr. H.S. <br />NATURE OF IMPROVEMENT: The Managers propose to provide an outlet for the Olson Lake Estates <br />Pond by constructing a mile long pipe system from an existing manhole structure in Olson Lake Estates <br />to an existing VBWD manhole structure in Lake Jane Trail, just south of Crombie Pond. The route for the <br />
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