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11-07-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1995 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to authorize the purchase of a Reznor FE60 Heater for the Well House from <br />Springborn Heating at a cost of $1,063.00 based on a favorable review and recommendation from the <br />MAC. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Purchase of Back hoe (Maintenance) <br />Dan Olinger provided quotes for repairs to a 1979 555 Extend -a -hoe with 3,065 hours. This unit is used <br />to load salt sands in the winter so there is some rust and corrosion. At their October 23rd meeting, the <br />MAC committee reviewed the request to purchase a Back Hoe to replace the existing 1979 unit <br />purchased in 1980. The existing unit is in need of extensive repair in the amount of $6,823.85. Based on <br />the MAC review, a motion was made to recommend purchase of the Ford Back Hoe as outlined in the <br />State DOT bid specs from Rochester Ford for a cost of $35,706 with our old unit as a trade-in. <br />M/S/P John/DeLapp - to approve the purchase of a Ford Back Hoe per quote from Rochester Ford <br />Tractor dated September 6, 1995 for a total amount of $35,938.09 ($35,706 plus $232.09 sales tax) <br />based on a favorable review and recommendation from the MAC, and that the funds for this purchase be <br />taken from the Maintenance Department's Capital Improvement Reserve. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Case No. W95-32 Public Hearing:Variance to septic system setback and continuation of request <br />for setback from road right-of-way. Mark Edlund, 5431 Hilltop Avenue N. <br />The public hearing notice was published in the Stillwater Gazette and the adjoining property owners were <br />notified. <br />At the last council meeting, this item was continued in order to determine if additional variances were <br />required. Initially, the variance was to the sideyard setback on a corner lot as outlined in the planning <br />report. The staff reviewed the proposal and determined that a variance was needed for the setback to <br />the septic system if the garage were to be built in the proposed location. The code requires 10 feet and <br />the proposal for construction of the garage indicates a setback of approx. 7 feet. The application has <br />submitted additional information to the city showing the location of the drainfield and the alternate location <br />for the detached garage. The slope in this area is 12% and the topography of the site would be greatly <br />impacted by development in this area of the yard. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to approve Case No. V/95-32, variance to sideyard setback and variance to the <br />setback from a structure to a septic system by Mark Edlund, 5431 Hilltop Avenue N., for the purpose of <br />constructing a garage based on the findings presented in report dated November 7, 1995 with the <br />following conditions: 1. The garage have lap siding or materials to match the house; 2. The color of the <br />garage shall blend with the color of the house. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Overview of Design Team Visit <br />Planner Terwedo reported on the Minnesota Team Recommendations by Planning Area: Old Village, <br />Living Patterns (Residential) and Corridors. The Council set up a workshop for Tuesday, November 14, <br />7:00 p.m., to discuss the Minnesota Design Team Recommendations in order to develop a framework for <br />a December 2, 1995 Open House. At the Open House the city will receive more public input and <br />awareness, volunteers for working projects such as city center and play the tapes of the Minnesota <br />Design Team Visit. <br />C. Cluster Ordinance Development Update <br />Planner Terwedo provided a memo regarding Open Space Ordinance Development Update. As the <br />Council directed, the Planning Commission has reviewed and commented on a first draft of a cluster <br />ordinance. At their meeting on October 23, the commission reviewed the existing land use policies in the <br />
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