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LAKE ELMO CITY COUCNIL MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 1995 <br />D. Snowmobile Complaints <br />Three of the flowering crabs planted on Highway 5 through a grant the City received have been <br />completely sheared off. There is a path where the riders weave between the trees. The property along <br />Highway 5, from east of the bank all the way through town is already rutted. There is a path from County <br />Road 17 through the school property up to Highway 5. <br />M/S/P John/DeLapp - to direct the staff to contact the Stillwater Snowlords emphasizing the seriousness <br />with which the council views the activities of snowmobiles in the City and that the City is considering <br />banning snowmobiles unless the behavior of snowmobiles in the city improves and request notices be <br />posted of the snowmobile ordinance and trails in locations the snowmobilers go to. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Bohrer stated he will contact the school about his concern on snowmobiles driving over their drainfield <br />and ask they mark or fence off the drainfields at the Lake Elmo Elementary School and Oak -Land Jr. <br />H.S.. <br />E. Recommendation from Solid Waste Advisory Committee on Christmas Tree Pickup <br />Administrator Kueffner reported the Solid Waste Committee recommended that the City will collect <br />Christmas trees on January 6 with a blizzard day of January 13. Residents are asked to bring their trees <br />to the public works building to be chipped and shredded. In return for bringing them in, participating <br />residents will receive a coupon for a tree seedling that can be redeemed this coming Earth Day/Arbor <br />Day. Anyone that has a compost sticker can drop the tree off otherwise there is a $1 or $2 charge. Each <br />tree costs 47 cents which comes in a bag with a message, City logo, and instructions on planting. <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to approve the Christmas Tree pickup program for January 6, 1996 in conjunction <br />with the seedling give away project. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Caring and Sharing Hands: Maroney is willing to pick up warm clothes; jackets, hats, mittens in a plastic <br />bag placed beside the curbside recycling on Wednesday, December 20 and Thursday, December 21. <br />The material will be picked up and brought to the Parks Building and Mike Bouthilet and other volunteers <br />will take them to Caring and Sharing Hands in Minneapolis. <br />The Solid Waste Advisory Committee was informed the City made approximately $8,500 on the Compost <br />site. The committee supported the purchase of the additional 5 acres the council is considering for a <br />compost site. <br />5. Consent Agenda -None <br />6. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Public Hearing: Case W95-34 -Variance to front yard setback <br />Applicants: Robert and Victoria Seifert, 9692 57th Street N. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. in the Council chambers. The Public Hearing <br />notice was published in the November 24, 1995 Stillwater Gazette and the adjoining property owners <br />were notified. <br />Robert and Victoria Seifert are requesting a 12' variance on Lot 5 Block 1, Rolling Hills Estates (approx. 3 <br />acres), in order to accommodate 2200 sq.ft. walkout rambler in the area designated by the developer, <br />Chuck Nelson, Nelson Properties. The variance requested is to move their home 12' in a southerly <br />direction (to the front of the property) toward the street. Due to the setbacks required in the RE zoning, <br />they are unable to fit their home in the designated pie shaped area as indicated by the developer. The <br />following hardship was given by the applicants: (1) the shape of the area designed for a home on this 3 <br />acre parcel makes it impossible to fit a home after including all the required setbacks. (2) The literal <br />