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LAKE ELMO CITY COUCNIL MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 1995 <br />interpretation of the ordinance deprive them of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties In the <br />same district. The right to build a home on a lot that was advertised as a lot conducive to a walkout <br />rambler that must be a minimum of 1800 sq.ft. on the main level. <br />John Urban, 9612 57th Street, voiced his support as an adjoining neighbor to the requested variance. <br />A letter was submitted by Len & Bobbie Juran, 9784 57th St. N., indicating they have reviewed the <br />surveys provided them from the Hy -Land Surveying Company and do not have any objections to the <br />proposed positioning of the building and supports the variance request. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to grant a variance for a front yard setback to Robert & Victoria Seifert, 9692 <br />57thSt. N., based on Findings 1,2,3 (as amended: The special circumstances of the limitations of the <br />buildable land area was not a result of the action of the applicant or the City of Lake Elmo), and 5,6, <br />excluding Findings 4, listed in the City Planner's request for Council action dated December 5, 1996, and <br />there were no comments received against the variance request, there was a letter and verbal support <br />from adjoining neighbors and the council would not waive the fees for the variance request. (Motion <br />passed 3-1:DeLapp) <br />B. Special Ordinance 8128 declaring a Residential Development Moratorium <br />The City is presently working on open space (cluster) policies as part of a comprehensive plan <br />amendment and zoning overlay regulations. In order for the City to properly develop the new land use <br />policies and regulations, a six month moratorium on development is proposed. At their November 27, <br />1995 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommend the moratorium. The <br />Commission added two points to the ordinance. The first is to permit the subdivision of large lot parcels <br />(10 acres or more) and minor lot line adjustment. <br />The Council received copies of letters that were submitted to the PZ at the Public Hearing on November <br />27, 1995. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance No. 8128, as amended (Delete:F..... unless said term is <br />shortened or extended by action of the City Council), An Ordinance relating to a Development Moratorium <br />on Residentially Zoned Property based upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />Planner Terwedo explained the City has to make some long range decisions regarding the open space <br />(cluster) land use policies and regulations She asked they come to a consensus of four issues. The <br />Council agreed the city does see open space developments (clustering) as a viable option as long as <br />there is some definite legal protection of the open lot as a result of the cluster. The Council felt it was <br />important that the city should provide life -cycle housing, but how and where had to be resolved. <br />The Council will hold a workshop on December 12, City Hall, 6-8 p.m. to consider Issue No. 2, Discuss <br />the type and location of Open Space Developments in the City. <br />C. Alternate Ag/Agricultural Zoning: Permitted Uses Discussion <br />The purpose of the Alternate Ag Zoning District Committee meetings was to receive comments from <br />property owners on what uses they felt should be permitted in the Agricultural Zoning District. The <br />committee was directed to come back to the council with recommendations and findings, but as of this <br />date, no recommendations have been submitted. <br />Tom P. Armstrong explained the legislature did not repeal the annexation law and February deadline will <br />be here shortly. He wished the Alternate Ag Committee would have come up with something more <br />concrete, but they didn't, The issue has to be addressed now and basically it is an issue of open space. <br />We want to retain our rural atmosphere of our farm. In order to do that, we have to get away from the <br />