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12-05-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-05-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUCNIL MINUTES DECEMBER 5, 1995 <br />the assessment hearing as one of the non -assessed City sharing drainage improvements. The <br />Contractor was directed to add this work to the contract. <br />Bohrer recommend approval of Change Order No. 1 and Partial Payment No. 2 for work completed in <br />October. Since the work is substantially complete, Bohrer recommended reducing the retainage to <br />$5,000. <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of $6,040.00. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to approve Partial Payment No. 2 in the amount of $11,176.11 for work completed <br />in October. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. 1996 MSA Maintenance Allotment <br />Bohrer reported that the 1996 Municipal State Aid Allotment for the City is estimated at $149,762. <br />Bohrer recommended for 1996 the City requests the minimum maintenance at $14,295 (minimum <br />maintenance request is $1,600 per mile of MSA street in the city which amounts to $14,295.) The <br />remainder of the allotment should remain in the City's construction account for the next significant <br />reconstruction project. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to direct the City Engineer to inform the Commissioner of Transportation that for <br />1996, Lake Elmo requests the minimum maintenance of $14,295 for State Aid streets. (Motion passed 4- <br />0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />M/S/P John/DeLapp - to direct the City attorney to draft a purchase agreement which may be used in the <br />city's dealings with Mr. and Mrs. Berschens for property (approx. 15 acres) on Julep and 45th Street for a <br />new public works and compost facility; contingent upon satisfaction of completion of rezoning from Rural <br />Residential (RRI to Public Facility (PF). (Motion passed 4-0). <br />The Council will address the purchase agreement at the council workshop in December 12, 1995, 8-8:30 <br />p.m. <br />11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />12. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Application for 1-day off -site gambling license: Maplewood/Oakdale Lions at the Lake Elmo Inn <br />The Maplewood -Oakdale Lions have requested that the State of Minnesota issue a one -day (February 5, <br />1996) Off -Site Gambling License. The Lions desire to sell raffles and tipboards at a location within the <br />Lake Elmo Inn located at 3442 Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to adopt Resolution No. 95-57 approving the issuance of a charitable gambling <br />license by the State of Minnesota to the Maplewood -Oakdale Lions. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. 1996 Intoxicating and Non -Intoxicating Liquor Licenses <br />Renewal of the 1996 Liquor Licenses were submitted for the city's approval. Certificates of insurance <br />and fees have been paid. Approval by the Washington County Sheriff's Dept. has been received. <br />
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