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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 2, 1996 3 <br />requested would be storage as it is no longer allowed. It was the consensus of the committee and the <br />planner that performance standards should be the focus. At the June 29, 1995 meeting, the City Planner <br />indicated she would draft some broad performance standards. Hunt suggested the committee meet with <br />the planner to draft a recommendation from the committee on a suggested course of action concerning <br />what was heard from residents, performance standards and request of uses. <br />Council member Conlin indicated she would only accept storage in existing farm buildings and felt it is <br />inappropriate for expansion of storage in an Ag zone. Conlin suggested when the council discusses the <br />cluster ordinance, they should think of the ramifications of this type of use (storage) in the Ag open space <br />left in RE zoning. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to ask the committee to meet with the City Planner to come up with a <br />recommendation on a suggested course of action and request the City planner put together performance <br />standards and evaluate uses against these standards. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. Clarification of Christmas Tree Drop Off <br />Administrator Kueffner indicated she failed to acknowledge in the last newsletter that the Christmas Tree <br />Drop Off program that the City is holding Saturday is not the idea of the City, but was the very good idea <br />of Deb Krueger, Sprucegate Farms. The City apologized to the Kruegers who did not get the proper <br />credit for coming up with the idea of the Christmas Tree Drop-off program in conjunction with seedling <br />give away project. The Stillwater Gazette will be writing an article of clarification and giving proper credit <br />to the Kruegers for coming up with the program.. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Election of Acting Mayor <br />Each year the City Council elects a council member as Acting Mayor. The Acting Mayor presides over <br />meetings in the Mayor's absence or represents the City at other official functions. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to appoint Rita Conlin to serve as Acting Mayor of the City of Lake Elmo for 1996. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Designation of Legal Newspaper <br />The City received three quotations from local newspapers requesting designation as our legal newspaper <br />for 1996: Press Publications, Stillwater Gazette, Lillie Suburban. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to designate the Stillwater Gazette as the City's legal newspaper for 1996, based <br />on the fact that it is a daily publication and allows the City to provide a quicker response to applications. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Designation of Official Depositories <br />The City used the following depositories in 1995 for placement of City funds in a checking account, in <br />certificates of deposit for short-term investments, and in bonds for long-term investments. The Finance <br />Director believes these depositories have provided good service to the City in 1995. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to designate the Lake Elmo Bank, Royal Alliance Association, Inc. (Franklin <br />Fund), Paine Webber, Prudential Securities, Merill Lynch, Minnesota Municipal Money Market Fund (4M <br />Fund), Kidder -Peabody and Smith Barney as the City's official depositories for 1996. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />