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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1996 <br />D. "Crime Watch" Signs in Cimarron Park (Postpone to 10/15) <br />Administrator Kueffner reported she has not received information on the cost of the signs from the <br />Sheriff's Department and asked this item be tabled. <br />E. Gravel on 50th Street <br />At the August 20th meeting, the Council discussed both the gravel and potential designation of 50th <br />Street MSA and tabled the request until we had further Information on the MSA designation and the <br />annexation portion of 50th Street within Baytown Township. Administrator Kueffner attended the <br />September meeting of Baytown Township and the City's request for the annexation was met with <br />resistance and she was invited back to the October 7th meeting. In the meantime. Dan Olinger has <br />concerns about the condition of 50th Street and feels that the City should gravel at least its portion of the <br />road. If 50th Street is to be improved to MSA standards, the 5 year MSA program indicates this <br />improvement would not be done until 2000. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to award the bid for graveling 5220 feet of 50th Street in the amount of <br />$14,201.44 to Miller Excavating based on the letter and recommendation from the Maintenance Foreman <br />dated August 6,1996. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Council member Conlin suggested revisiting the policy in terms of cost for maintaining gravel roads <br />versus bituminous overlay projects with expenditures being assessed to the property owner. <br />F. VFW Ballfield -Offer to purchase <br />Kes Tautvydas, Chair of the Parks Commission, stated they cannot make a recommendation because <br />they have not had a meeting to discuss this item. Also, the Commission doesn't know how the budget is <br />broken down to various funds. The Budget has not been shown to them with these individual funds and <br />they would like to see the budget for their regular meeting on October 21,1996 so they can make a <br />recommendation. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to authorize a bid as specified in the Council packet provided the Parks <br />Commission holds a meeting and determines to go ahead with this proposal at the price stated and the <br />Finance Director certifies to the commission that the funding is available. If the conditions are met, the <br />Commission should go ahead and make the offer. (Motion passed 5-0). The Council would entertain the <br />Parks Commission suggestions for a name for the park. <br />G. Sign Ordinance <br />Planner Terwedo is working with Cenex for a gas station and the sign ordinance allows signs as high as <br />25 feet which she feels is too high and recommends reduction for Service Stations and accessory uses to <br />allow for one pedestal sign for each street face not to exceed six feet in height anywhere in the setback <br />area, but no part of any such sign shall be closer to side lot lines than the required side yard setback nor <br />within five feet of the rear lot line or street right-of-way. The sign face shall not exceed thirty square feet. <br />Hunt supported the reduction because the site is close to the airport and could be detrimental. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance 8145, An ordinance amending Section 535.19 of the Lake <br />Elmo Municipal Code relating to signs. (Motion 5-0). <br />