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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1996 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to reduce the retainage on the Beaut Crest Estates subdivision to $27,500 as <br />recommended by the City Engineer in his memo dated September 27, 1996. (Motion passed 4-0).] <br />E. Washington County Plan for Manning Avenue <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to direct the staff to send a memo to Washington County Public Works Department <br />to get an assessment of what is involved in the plans so we can understand how this plan would impact <br />Lake Elmo and copy to Washington County Commissioner Mary Hauser. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />F. Update on Paving Shoulders on Olson Lake Trail:Tom Prew will investigate and report back at the <br />October 15 Council meeting. <br />G. County Road 13 Assessments <br />M/S/P Johnston/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 96-32 calling a public hearing for Thursday, November <br />7,1996 to assess County Road 13 improvements. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />H. 30th Street:Tom Prow reported he has received two quotes for sub -grade testing and <br />recommended hiring Braun Intertec. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston -to accept bid from Braun Intertec for sub -grade testing of 30th Street in the <br />amount of $1,340. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Agreement to Terminate Non -Conforming Use. Bob Johnson, 10323 47th Street <br />The City received a letter from Jerry Fills, dated September 10,1996, and a signed agreement from <br />Robert and Helen Johnson, 10323 47th Street N., agreeing, conditionally, to terminate the on -conforming <br />use of there property. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to approve the agreement between the City of Lake Elmo and Robert and Helen <br />Johnson, 10323 47th Street North, to terminate a non -conforming use of subject property. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John attended the Sensible Land Use Coalition on September 25, 1996. <br />Councilman Hunt will hold a staff meeting on computer presentation on Wednesday, at 9:00 a.m. <br />12. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: NO REPORT <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 11:15 p.m. <br />------------------------------- <br />Resolution No. 96-31 Calling a public hearing on final assessments for sanitary sewer and water for <br />Section 33 <br />Resolution No. 96-32 Calling a public hearing for final assessments for County Road 13 improvements <br />Ordinance No. 8143, An Ordinance amending Section 301.070D.16, Subd.7 relating to conservation <br />easement dedicated to a homeowners association <br />Ordinance No. 8144 An Ordinance amending Section 301.070C. approving the rezoning of Robert White <br />from AG to OP <br />Ordinance No. 8145 An ordinance amending Section 536.19 relating to signs <br />Administrative Policy No. 96-1 Tree Trimming Policy <br />