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i I <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: CASE NO. W97-1 Variance to Lot Size and Width: Applicant: Eric and <br />Karl Wahlstrom, 11415 30th Street N. Property Owner: Robert Mordick. The Public Hearing <br />notice was published in the January 8, 1997 Stillwater Gazette and abutting property owners <br />were notified. This is a variance request to Section 301.070D. lot width requirement (40 feet <br />proposed, 300 feet required) and the minimum lot size requirement (Nominal) 10 acres required <br />In the RR Zoning and 5.6 acres are proposed. <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a request to construct a home on a substandard lot due to its <br />size and width on a public street. The lot is a 5.6 acre parcel of record. This lot was subdivided <br />when the City had 5 acre zoning or the parcels adjacent to this parcel were subdivided when the <br />City had one-half acre zoning. As an example, the lots on Legion Avenue are an average of <br />20,000 sq.ft. There is a 1.3 acre parcel directly north of the property. It is assumed that this <br />parcel was subdivided from the large parcel and the 40 ft. strip was provided for access. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 9:10 p.m. in the Council chambers <br />The City received a letter from Karen Knowlan, 11443 30th St. N., whose property adjoins this <br />lot, indicating no objection to the variance in the lot width or the lot size. <br />Robert Mordick stated he sold the 1 acre parcel to the Knowlans in 1973 and requested a 40 ft. <br />strip easement to provide access. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 9:12 p.m. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Conlin - to approve Case No. V/97-1 request from Eric and Karl Wahlstrom, <br />11415 30th St. N., based on the findings stated in the City Planner's Report including the finding <br />that this is a pre-existing non -conforming lot which was approved by the City in 1973 and is <br />partially under water; including the two conditions of approval with the added condition (3) <br />Proposed drainfield conforms to all regulations of separation from wetlands. (Motion passed 4- <br />0). <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance to Front Yard Setback: Applicant: Marc Cunningham, 606 <br />Julep Court N. The public hearing notice was published in the January 8, 1997 Stillwater Gazette <br />and the affected property owners were notified. This is a variance request to the front yard <br />setback requirement of 100 feet and 90.2 feet is proposed. <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a request to build a single family dwelling 90 feet instead of 100 <br />feet from a front lot line. As described by the application and inspection of the site, the lot slopes <br />to the north quite drastically. By placing the home at this location, the rear yard would not be <br />Impacted and the tree line preserved. <br />Mayor John opened the public hearing at 9:23 p.m. in the Council chambers. <br />Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson, adjacent property owners had no objection to the variance request. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 9:25 p.m. <br />The Building Official asked Mr. Cunningham if he was going to be bringing in fill and if so will the <br />contours be changing from what is shown on the survey. Mr. Cunningham responded that he <br />was bringing in fill, but there would be no change in contours from what is shown in the survey <br />presented. <br />