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03-04-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-04-97 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1997 4 <br />S. PLANNING. LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Case No. CPA/97-19 Elzabeth Miner: Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Horse Stables <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a request by Elzabeth Miner for a comprehensive plan amendment to <br />change a land use designation from Open Space Development Area to RAD, Rural Agricultural Density to <br />allow a stable business for the boarding and training of horses as stated in the request for a conditional use <br />permit. At its February 24, 1997 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of Case No. <br />CPA/97-19. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 97-7, Case No. CPA/97-19, A resolution amending the <br />Future Land Used Map of the 1990 Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan from Open Space Development Area <br />to Rural Agricultural for Elzabeth Miner based on the recommendation from the Planning Commission, <br />Findings of Fact stated in the City Planner's report; contingent upon Met. Council approval. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />B. I-94 Update <br />Planner Terwedo reported for the past seven months, the I-94 Task force has been meeting to define the <br />issues and policies for the I-94 Corridor, A study area boundary was defined which includes both a <br />primary planning area and secondary planning area as described in the Issues and Policies Report <br />attached. The Planning period was defined which extends to the year 2015. Terwedo presented the three <br />land use alternatives that have been developed. Springsted will be preparing the fiscal analyses for all <br />these alternatives, Once that is completed, the alternatives will be presented for formal review by the City. <br />Staff anticipates a series of workshops and/or open houses for the residents to review these options. <br />Several council members indicated they are getting back what was asked for, studies gave the broadest <br />reign feasible and permits the Council to interpret the best interests of the City. <br />C. Community Survey - Informational <br />The Council received a survey research proposal from Decisions Resources, Ltd. The cost of a survey is <br />driven by two factors: sample size and questionnaire length. A 60 question unit, 300 household random <br />sample of the City would cost $6,250,00. Each additional question unit beyond the initial 60 would be <br />$150.00. In the 1997 Budget there is $4,000 allocated for the community survey and $30,000 for the <br />professional reserves. The staff had done a cost analyses for a survey between other organizations. The <br />Council would like the Planning and Parks Commission review the list of questions before the final sign - <br />off of the program by the Council. <br />D. Subcommittees established by the Planning Commission <br />In a memo dated March 4, 1997, Planner Terwedo informed the Council that subcommittees for Lighting <br />and Public/Quasi-Public Facilities Regulations have been established by the Planning Commission. The <br />Commission would like a workshop to review the OP Ordinance. Planner Terwedo will be meeting with <br />Bob Sykes, University of Minnesota, Dept. of Landscape Architecture, to discuss the OP projects we have <br />processed. <br />E. Request to speak by Rodney Sessing <br />Rodney Sessing commented that the OP plan is good, but there seems to be loose ends and would like the <br />council to look at these; such as the Land Trust Agreements where the owner retains ownership and if the <br />highway dept. condemns that land the owner gets paid for it, but Lake Elmo loses that land. Would like <br />to see that money go to a land trust fund to purchase additional land in Lake Elmo to compensate for the <br />loss of the land. He asked for a moratorium on rezoning RR, OP development into Public Facilities zoning <br />district until the PZICC establishes standards. The Council asked that Mt. Sessing's issues be discussed <br />
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