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05-20-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-20-97 CCM
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i <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL iviiNUTES MAY 20, 1997 <br />Attorney Fills submitted a DRAFT (Figures were submitted by Mr. Freeman to Tom Prow this afternoon) <br />Developer's Agreement and explained the Council could approve the contract as presented or approve it <br />subject to changes, or require them to come back with an updated form. The developer was reminded that <br />work may not begin until final plat, development contract and letter of credit in place before any work can <br />be done on the property. <br />Tim Freeman, Folz, Freeman and Dupay, Assoc., asked that the City leave the assessment figure for 30s` <br />Street out of the Development Agreement because he feels that 30'h street is a separate project and has not <br />been ordered yet. Bob Herzfeld stated he didn't bring this up sooner because he thought this could be <br />discussed at the Assessment Hearing scheduled for October. Attorney Fills explained that this section has <br />been inserted because in the way this property is being developed will preclude the City assessing any of <br />that land for improvements to 3& Street unless the City does it right now —that is because it will never <br />show a special benefit to any of the other properties in that project. This project definitely benefits from <br />the improvement of 30a' Street. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn - to approve the Developer's Agreement for Heritage Farm as stipulated by the City <br />Attorney (Paragraph 4.01 B include completion date of August 30, 1998, 4.01F include a completion date <br />of November 30, 1997, 4.01G include a completion date of August 30, 1998, estimated costs of <br />Improvements/Administrative fees in section 4.03: grading $155,000, landscaping $93,000, storm sewer <br />$60,000, streets $134, 750; street signs $500, water main $99,300; pathway $2,000, Section 4.09 <br />prepayment of special assessments for 30a' Street in the amount of $9,492.00; if the improvements to 301h <br />Street are not constructed on or before 5 years, the prepaid assessment amount shall be returned with <br />accrued interest thereon to the developer). (Motion passed 3-0). <br />B. Modification to Preliminary Plat and Plan, FIELDS OF ST. CROIX:Bob Engstrom <br />Bob Engstrom, developer of the Fields of St. Croix, agreed to a postponement of the proposed <br />modifications until there was a full council in attendance or until the next meeting. Mr. Engstom asked the <br />Council to proceed with Final Plat approval on the preliminary plat approved by the City Council on <br />February 18,1997. <br />C. Conditional Use Permit, CSA Farm, Bob Engstrom <br />The Fields of St. Croix includes the development of a CSA Farm/Wayside Stand. The proposal includes <br />the sale of produce grown on the farm in this development and other farms in the area. The site plan <br />indicates two small green houses and a small way side stand where the produce will be sold. The site is <br />located directly east of the main access road to the Fields of St. Croix. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval with conditions on May 12,1997. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Conlin — to adopt Resolution No. 97-24, A resolution granting a Conditional use Permit to <br />Robert Engstrom, Fields of St. Croix for a Community Support Agricultural Farm/Wayside Stand in the <br />Open Space Preservation Zoning District. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />D. Final Plat, FIELDS OF ST. CROIX, Phase I:Bob Engstrom <br />The Council did not look at the modifications proposed by Bob Engstrom as he requested, but did proceed <br />with final plat approval on the preliminary plat approved by the City Council on February 18,1997. <br />Administrator Kueffner provided a history of the original concept plan, rezoning, preliminary plat and plan <br />approval in her report in the Request for Council Action. . <br />M/S/P Dunn/Conlin — to approve the preliminary plat and plan for the Fields of St. Croix, printing date of <br />plat May 20,1997. 17:43.05, identical to the preliminary plat and plan approved on February 18, 1997. <br />(Motion passed 3-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 1997 <br />
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