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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL4 iNUTES MAY 20, 1997 <br />Attorney Filla pointed out that the Klatts will not be part of the Development Agreement, and the City has <br />no authority to authorize ghost platting. The Klatt property is already zoned OP and in the future when a <br />minor subdivision is submitted, the resulting lots have to satisfy the lot requirements. Filla also explained <br />that the City does not have the authority to transfer density, but would have to adopt special legislation <br />revising the Open Space Zoning District Ordinance for a density transfer. The developer was reminded that <br />work may not begin until the final plans, agreements, and financial security have all been approved by the <br />City. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Conlin — to approve Resolution No. 97-23, with the modifications, approving the final plat of <br />The Fields of St. Croix based on its consistency with the preliminary plat approved by the City Council on <br />February 18,1997, a favorable recommendation of the Planning Commission and the findings stated in the <br />planner's report. (Motion passed 3-0).. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn — to approve the Development Agreement for THE FIELDS OF ST. CROIX, as <br />amended by the City Attorney on May 20, 1997, Footer #C11150966.002. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />E. Ordinance amending Section on Moving Buildings <br />City Planner Terwedo explained in her report that Keith Hagberg, who lives in the Old Village, 10807 32" d <br />Street North, would like to move a garage to his property. The garage is presently located at 3686 Layton <br />Avenue North approximately 5 blocks from his home, Presently, the City code requires a performance <br />bond of $100,000 insurance liability coverage of $200,000 and property damage coverage of $20,000. The <br />code was probably written for those who are moving large houses so this requirement seems quite extreme. <br />Terwedo would like the staff to have some flexibility regarding the requirements for performance bonds, <br />insurance liability coverage and property damage coverage for those who wish to move buildings within <br />the City. A DRAFT ordinance amending the section relating to moving of buildings was provided for <br />Council review. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn - to adopt Ordinance No. 9706, amending Section 505.05 SUBD 1 A and B of the <br />Lake Elmo Municipal Code relating to moving of buildings. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />F. Ordinance amending Section on Building Permits <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to adopt Ordinance No. 9707, as amended, An Ordinance amending Section 400.03 <br />SUED 4 `Building Pemrits" and adding Section 400.03 SURD. 4A. B. C. and D. to the Lake Elmo <br />Municipal Code. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />The Council felt it should be their decision as to the number of model homes allowed in each individual <br />development. <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to amend the Development Agreement for Heritage Faun to allow up to (6) model <br />homes with the consent of the developer. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />M/S/P John/Dunn — to amend the Development Agreement for Fields of St. Croix to allow (4) model <br />homes with the consent of the developer. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />M/S/P Conlin/John — to direct the Planning Commission to make a recommendation on number of the <br />model homes allowed in each individual development. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />G. Informational: Letter from Jon Whitcomb regarding TAMARACK FARM <br />The City received a letter form Jon Whitcomb, May 12,1997, requesting a delay on the hearing date for <br />Tamarack Farm until the June 3rd meeting because he is still compiling information that will help in the <br />development of the property. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 1997 <br />