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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <1„tNUTES AUGUST 19, 1997 <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING: Case No. V/97-44 Variance to Septic Ordinance <br />Applicant: Mike Theis, Custom Homes <br />Mike Theis, Custom Home Builders, requested a variance to Section 7080.0170 allowing a mound system <br />on a lot which does not have an acceptable area for a conventional septic system. Mound systems are not <br />allowed as the first disposal site on any lot. The code only allows a mound system as an alternative for this <br />lot to be developed. <br />In Jim McNamara's letter dated August 15", he indicates that in most areas, including Washington County, <br />mound systems are allowed as initial systems. The mound system is just as efficient as the standard trench <br />type drainfield and will perform for many years if installed and maintained properly. Mr. McNamara and <br />the City Engineer recommended approval of the variance. <br />A letter was received from David Gustafson, Extension Specialist, indicating mound systems have been an <br />approved Chapter 7080 technology since 1984 and standard technology since 1989. Mound systems can be <br />a long-term solution to onsite treatment. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. <br />Mike Theis, Custom Home Builders, explained AAA Pollution Control and Eklin Soil Testing could not <br />find an acceptable location for a conventional septic installation and recommended the only solution for <br />this lot was a mound system. <br />Fred Pomeroy, owner of the lot, stated that the land is so close to being perkable. He has talked to the <br />Woodbury Building Inspector who said mound systems had been installed over 15 years ago in Woodbury <br />and they are still functioning properly. He would make sure the mound system was landscaped properly <br />with no drainage affecting the adjacent property. <br />Jeanne Solberg, 655 Jewel Avenue N., was in support of the mound system as long as it was landscaped <br />properly. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 8:26 p.m. <br />Councilors Conlin and DeLapp felt by approving this variance would be changing City policy because the <br />ordinance specifically spells out no mound systems as the initial disposal site. Attorney Filla suggested the <br />City consider a change in regulating new developments by requiring developers as part of the platting <br />process to perk all of the lots. Also, the City should consider if denying this variance would cause the <br />property owner not to have reasonable use of the land because this would subject the City to taking. <br />Based on new testimony from the Building Official, City Engineer and David Gustafson and the amended <br />findings and conditions, the following motion was made. <br />Amended Findings: <br />3. The special circumstances are not a result of the applicant. He is not the developer of Stonegate. <br />6. Lots in RE Zoning with a minimum of 2.5 acres <br />7. No reasonable use for lot than a homesite <br />8. Lot was platted for an inground system <br />9. City is proceeding with possible revisions to ordinance for approval of a mound system as an initial <br />system when a conventional system cannot meet perk requirements for 2.5 acres. <br />Amended Conditions: <br />Landscape plan is submitted prior to October 1, 1997 to the City Planner. Buffering and slope to adjacent <br />properties and building can begin at this time with landscaping done in spring. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to approve Case No. V/97-44 granting a variance to Section 7080.0170 of the Lake <br />Elmo Municipal Code to Mike Theis, Custom Home Builders/ Fred Pomeroy; subject to the 9 Findings of <br />Fact and conditions of approval and that the landscape plan be submitted before 10-1-97. (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1997 <br />