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08-19-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-19-97 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL( ..-.NUTES AUGUST 19, 1997 <br />C. Lighting Ordinance (DRAFT) <br />Planner Terwedo reported a subcommittee was established to study and prepare a lighting ordinance for the <br />City. The committee included Ed Stevens, Margaret Carlson and Tom Armstrong. Ed Stevens contacted <br />the International Dark Association who provided the City with information. Also, the model ordinance <br />form Northfield was reviewed. The Council received a draft lighting ordinance which regulates lighting in <br />the City, specifically, free-standing light fixtures. At its July 21, 1997 meeting, the Planning Commission <br />recommended the City Council to set a public hearing on the Lighting Ordinance. The Council asked the <br />staff to send a letter of appreciation to Ed Stevens (as the driving light) thanking him for his time and effort. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn — to direct the staff to set a public hearing on the lighting ordinance. (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />D. Shoreland Ordinance (DRAFT) <br />Planner Terwedo reported the Shoreland Ordinance needs to be updated in order to regulate the anticipated <br />development on the United Properties site along the I-94 Interstate Corridor. This site is in the MUSA. A <br />tributary stream is identified through the site. The City does not have Shoreland regulations in the Business <br />Park District in the MUSA area. At its July 21, 1997 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended <br />that the City Council set a public hearing for amendments to the Shoreland Ordinance. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to direct the staff to set a public hearing on the amendments to the Shoreland <br />Ordinance making sure all zoning districts are covered. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />E. Tower Ordinance (DRAFT) <br />As directed by the Council, the City Planner has been working on a PCS Tower ordinance. The Council <br />provided staff with specific areas in the City where they do not want towers located. The model ordinance <br />prepared by Washington County has been reviewed. A DRAFT PCS Tower ordinance was provided for <br />Council review and comments. The Council suggested changes which the City Attorney and Planner will <br />incorporate into the ordinance before they meet with the PCS Companies and the Planning Commission. <br />Two letters of interest from PCS Tower consultants willing to assist the City in review of tower permits <br />were received. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — the City Planner and City Attorney will meet with PCS Tower Companies and the <br />Planning Commission for input on the amended DRAFT PCS Ordinance. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. Railroad Right -of -Way recommendation from Planning Commission <br />As directed by the Council, the Planning Commission reviewed the issue of the railroad right-of-way east <br />of Lake Elmo Avenue. At its August 11, 1997 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the City <br />creates a Railroad/Utilities Zoning District to include the historical areas along the railroad tracks in the <br />Village area east of Lake Elmo Avenue. The Council asked that the staff rezone the railroad right-of-way <br />property throughout the City to compliment the existing land use in this area. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to research and prepare a recommendation extending complimentary zoning into <br />Railroad right-of-way within the entire City and establish a separate district 60' wide R-O-W from railroad <br />and at the next meeting recommend timeline for when this can be accomplished. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />G. Browns Creek Development Moratorium (Recommendation from Planning Commission) <br />As directed by the Council, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a moratorium for the <br />properties in Lake Elmo in the Browns Creek Watershed District. At its August 11, 1997 meeting, the <br />Planning Commission recommended support of a one-year moratorium for properties in Lake Elmo in the <br />Browns Creek Watershed. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 19, 1997 <br />
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