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M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to authorize the required check for $200 that needs to be submitted, to hand deliver <br />petition, and that the Lake Elmo City Administrator and Baytown Township Clerk work on timeline and <br />guidelines to present to both Boards. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Lake Rules Violations <br />There were concerns raised by Jim McLeod, 2543 Lake Elmo Avenue, at the last Council meeting about <br />the lake rule violations that were occurring on Lake Elmo. Mike Polehna and Sgt. Swanson were invited to <br />attend this meeting to discuss what can be done to curtail these violations. <br />Mike Polehna, Lake Elmo Park Reserve, handed out the information on lake rules that is given out at the <br />Park Reserve. He did not think that a larger sign would make an impact. <br />Sgt. Swanson reported they have spent a significant amount of time patrolling the Park Reserve, Lake <br />Elmo, Lake Jane and Olson and Demontreville. They are trying to implement a volunteer reserve unit to be <br />in -place by next summer. Will try to put some people out on weekends earlier in the morning. If residents <br />see people violating a water surface use ordinance, call the Sheriff's office 439-9381 and ask to have a <br />Deputy Sheriff sent out because they do not have to have a water patrol officer on to handle a water surface <br />use complaint. <br />E. Establishment of Village Committee <br />The adhoc Village Committee prepared an ordinance establishing a "Village Committee". Planner <br />Terwedo prepared a work program for Council consideration, which outlines the tasks, needed to prepare a <br />plan for the Village Area. There will be discussion on map of study area at a later date. Councilor Conlin <br />has a concern that this area would grow so large and would be too much to grasp. The Work Program was <br />changed to include I-F. Information from MN Design Team. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp —to adopt Ordinance No. 9711, as presented, An Ordinance Adopting Section 235 <br />"Village Commission" based on the City Planner's recommendation. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt—to place advertisements for vacancies on the Village Committee in the City <br />Newsletter and to accept Susan Dunn as Council liaison to the Village Committee. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. Tri-Lakes Association Water Ski Show <br />Jim Dillion, Tri-Lakes Association requested permission to have a water ski show during their annual <br />celebration on Saturday, August 9 (rain date August 10). The Association has provided insurance <br />information, schedule of events, County permit to support this request. The City did not receive any <br />complaints the last time this event was held. The City Code requires Council approval for any type of <br />water ski show. <br />M/S/P Conlin/DeLapp — to approve a water ski show on Lake Jane at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 9, <br />1997 (rain date August 10). (Motion passed 5-0). <br />G. Vacancy on South Washington County Watershed District <br />Tom Armstrong Jr. did not qualify to serve on the Board because he does not reside within this District. He <br />will ask his mother Rose, if she would be interested in serving on the Board. Action will betaken on <br />August 19. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 5, 1997 <br />