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5. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution approving County Road 13 Construction Project <br />A draft resolution was provided for formal approval. Councilor DeLapp brought up issues on speed and <br />landscaping and asked if the road design could be changed to warrant 40 mph instead of 50 mph. Also, the <br />Lake Elmo side has not even a 75 cent seedling —Could the County put some landscaping on Lake Elmo's <br />side. Paul Danialson will convey the Council's concern on additional landscaping. Washington County <br />did not pay for any of the landscaping, the City of Oakdale paid 100% of the cost. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin — to adopt Resolution No. 97-44 approving the Plans for the improvements to CSAH 13 <br />within the limits of the City of Lake Elmo, (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Resolution prohibiting parking on County Road 13 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin — to adopt Resolution No. 97-45, A Resolution relating to parking restrictions on SAP <br />82-613-08 from trunk highway 5 to 1/3 mile north in the City of Lake Elmo. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Request from Lake Elmo Inn for reimbursement for drain cleaning. <br />The City received a letter from John Schiltz, Lake Elmo Inn, requesting that the City reimburse him for the <br />cost of drain cleaning. It was Administrator Kueffner's understanding that it was the job of the City to <br />maintain the drains on the 201 systems provided by the maintenance fee that the City charges off -site 201 <br />participants for required maintenance. This payment could be taken from the maintenance fund. The <br />Council asked that the staff review what is in -place, verify what maintenance has been done and come up <br />with a schedule in order to avoid this from happening again. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to direct the staff to send a letter of apology and authorize the payment of $468.75 to <br />reimburse John Schiltz for the drain cleaning he paid for relative to the sewer backup at the Lake Elmo Inn. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Waste Water Treatment Systems: <br />Planner Terwedo explained there were two wetland treatment systems approved; The Fields of St.Croix <br />and Prairie Hamlet. She has had two other submissions for Preliminary Plat and Plan approval showing <br />wetland treatment systems and one concept plan. She felt she was getting mixed messages from the <br />Council and Planning Commission regarding these systems. The City Engineer, Tom Prew, has taken <br />much time to make sure the City is covered on the environment and future maintenance with inspections <br />Terwedo asked for indications from the Council if what has been submitted is enough and asked if the <br />Council felt comfortable with allowing more systems. <br />Mayor John felt quite comfortable with the concept and was aware of other areas where it has worked out <br />satisfactory. He would support this with the protection of backup systems. <br />Councilor DeLapp indicated his views were the same as the Mayor's. He was supportive of a possible <br />requirement that each individual property owner has his or her own septic tank. This would guarantee a <br />higher level of individual responsibility. <br />Councilor Hunt was comfortable with the wetland treatment system as long as there is a backup. He found <br />it preferable because we are putting rules in -place to force us to look at maintenance every year where we <br />don't have control over individual septic tanks. <br />Councilor Conlin explained, as liaison to the PZ, there are at least three commissioners that have a high <br />degree of concerns about these systems. The City should do more of a study and possibly take a look at <br />what we have over a period of time. Based on what the City Engineer stated, she understands what goes <br />back into the ground is drinking water standards which certainly sounds good. She still has concerns on <br />City liability in allowing an accepted experimental septic treatment system. If there is a failure, will they <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 5, 1997 <br />