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08-05-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-05-97 CCM
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come back to the City saying you allowed it. Would we allow these systems in our own code without <br />invoking the proverbial variance clause within the OP Ordinance. <br />Attorney Filla indicated the City does not have liability for failed wastewater treatment systems. There are <br />backup areas and regulations in place for these projects and financial obligations are onto the members of <br />the Association. Lake Elmo is not at risk financially. They are called experimental systems, but are not <br />experimental. They are alternative systems --they are not an unknown commodity. Without four <br />affirmative votes, the code doesn't allow these systems. <br />Councilor Dunn pointed out its been brought to their attention that this cannot be a part of the open space. <br />She is worried that there are somewhat small for 30-40 households. The effluent may be very clean, but <br />what do we do if we have backup problems. She shared the same concerns of Councilor Conlin. <br />Under the State code, Tom Prew explained, these systems are allowed as experimental systems. The City <br />approved two systems so far. It's time to develop design standards and draft a wetland wastewater <br />treatment system ordinance. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John — to direct the staff to begin the process of preparing a wetland wastewater treatment <br />ordinance. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />E. Escrow Reduction of Judith Mary Manor <br />Tom Prew reported the grading, gravel base, and storm sewer work is complete on Judith Mary Manor and <br />recommended the required escrow be reduced to $132,875.00. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Conlin — to approve the reduction of the required escrow for Judith Mary Manor to <br />$132,875.00 as recommended by the City Engineer Tom Prew. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Gi <br />A. Weed spraying in City Parks <br />Mike Bouthilet explained he sprayed around the fence lines and posts in the parks. He has sprayed for <br />broadleaf at City Hall for two years. This year he contracted this work out. This will be looked out at <br />budget time. <br />B. Stonegate Park Plan <br />C. Stonegate Trail Grading <br />Mike Bouthilet reported at the last Parks Commission meeting they did not come up with a consensus on <br />whether to trade or accept land, but they did want the trail graded regardless of who pays for it, the City or <br />developer. The Parks Commission will take a walk through the area around Goose Lake and decide if this <br />is an amenity or not to build a trail in this area. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to refer to the Parks Commission the issue of Stonegate Trail Plan as to whether or <br />not to accept Phase III or (Outlot A) in lieu of putting in the trails for a consensus of a recommendation of <br />what the City should do and after that meeting place on the next Council agenda to review their findings. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />The Parks Commission is not aware of the potential cost ($40-50,000) to grade the proposed site. This <br />money will be coming out of the Park CIP. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to direct staff to release bids to grade Stonegate proposed park site and ask staff to <br />schedule public hearing for grading permit. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 5, 1997 <br />
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