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08-05-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-05-97 CCM
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D. Request to bid Dump Truck/Snow Plow <br />a <br />Dan Olinger reported that this truck was on the CIP and at the July 28 MAC meeting a motion was made to <br />purchase a complete new 1998 snowplowing unit under the state contract. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John — to approve the purchase of the cab and chassis from Boyer Ford in the amount of <br />$45,700.00 and the purchase of the dump body, hydraulics, snowplows, and sander from J-Craft <br />Manufacturing in the amount of $30,127.81 for a total expenditure of $75,827.81 as recommended by the <br />MAC. (Motion passed 4-1:Dunn:This is a real quick thing. A review is needed on specific items. Just <br />because the truck is on the CIP doesn't mean this needs to be replaced.). <br />7. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. (1) Modification to Concept Plan —Tamarack Farm <br />(2) Preliminary Plat — Tamarck Farm <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is an open space development concept plan for the development of 19 <br />residential units, 11 single family (9 new and 2 existing) and 8 single family attached units. The Planning <br />Commission recommended approval with conditions. <br />Modifications from previously approved concept plan: <br />1. The townhomes have been deleted and replaced with single family attached homes. <br />2. The entrance road to the development has been modified to line up with the Fields of St. Croix <br />development a Linden Trail North. <br />3. Some of the lots have been modified due to the identified wetlands and other environmental constraints <br />on the site. <br />4. A wetland treatment system is proposed <br />Jon Whitcomb explained he is showing on the updated version for Outlot B (1.92 acres) which will accept <br />both primary and secondary septic systems. The woodlands on the eastern border would not be disturbed. <br />The existing barn was built in 1910 and will be 28' x 36' after the lean-tos are taken off and the stooge is <br />12' x 12' <br />Councilor Conlin questioned the existing barn will be on a non-agricultural lot and would be a non- <br />conforming building. Attorney Filla stated there is nothing in the code to prevent the property owner to <br />tear the barn down. The City is assuming the barn will be maintained and kept forever and there is nothing <br />in place to require this. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to direct the staff to prepare wording to allow the City to force future owners to <br />properly take care of the barn and be placed in the Developers Agreement. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Councilor Conlin felt the clause in the OP Ordinance has become the rule and not the exception and has <br />been accepted on every OP development that has come before them. She is no longer in favor of it and <br />feels the Council's reasons behind approval are sometimes fairly weak. She cannot go along with '/4 acre <br />lots and would not approve this concept plan. Councilor Dunn agreed with this. <br />Jon Whitcomb said he would redesign the concept plan according to the OP Ordinance without asking for <br />an exception and come back for review at the August 19" meeting. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin — to postpone consideration until the August 19"i meeting of the Concept plan and <br />Preliminary Plat for Tamarack Farm Estates until the developer can react to Council's comments. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />The following discussion was on a small -shared water system: Councilors Hunt and DeLapp felt there were <br />fewer holes into the aquifer and it was a manageable task. Mayor John has reservations until it was pointed <br />out the Homeowners Assoc. will establish a testing system. Councilor Dunn has a problem with proposal <br />even though it decreased the number of holes in the aquifer. Councilor Conlin has a problem if one well <br />goes bad the others will follow. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 5, 1997 <br />
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