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09-16-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-16-97 CCM
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Kos Tautvydas, Chair of Parks, voiced his concern on high cost of putting in trail (Base class 5), how long <br />and wide the trail is and is $45,000 enough. Attorney Filla asked if privately maintaining public trails is <br />going to be City policy and would there be indemnification. Filla will contact the League of MN Cities to <br />get their opinion. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 97-51, A Resolution approving the Final Plat of the Hamlet <br />of Sunfish Lake, as amended #4. Outlets A, B, C, D, G, H, K, and J shall be held by a conservation <br />easement to a qualified Land Trust, #5. Outlet F, G, H J, K shall have an open easement to the City of Lake <br />Elmo. Outlets E & I dedicated to the City based on the consistency to OP ordinance and Comprehensive <br />Plan. (Motion passed 4-1:Dunn: Concerned about a dense residential development in a wildlife area, the <br />close proximity of the development to the lake will damage the surrounding environment, the trail issue is <br />not resolved. The project will be a beautiful development, but is not appropriate for this specific <br />environmental area.) <br />E. Use of Jamaca Avenue by Shafer Mining <br />The City has received complaints on Shafer Mining belly trucks driving on shoulders and leaving dirt on <br />Jamaca Avenue. City Engineer, Tom Prew, explained there is a single lift asphalt on shoulder, but the road <br />has double lift of asphalt —this could reduce useful life of road. Jim McNamara, Building Official, stated <br />the City has received a couple of complaints this year and last year and suggested added language that the <br />street needs to be cleaned every day that the pit is used. Any change to the CUP would require a public <br />hearing. Mayor John and Council member DeLapp also have received complaints and the few complaints <br />to City Hall were not indicative of the irritation people feel when they drive that roadway. <br />Scott Spisak, Shafer Mining, said the trucks are hauling clay that is very sticky and gets caught in the <br />truck's tire treads and then tracks the road. They have tried to use a different traffic pattern in the pit, swept <br />every night this week and will continue to sweep daily to show the City Shafer Mining can be a good <br />neighbor. He would meet with staff to add language to the CUP. <br />Councilor DeLapp's concern is for health, safety, and welfare of the residents. You cannot ride your bike <br />on the side of the road because the bumpy condition of the road makes it unsafe. Now, you have to go into <br />the middle of the road. Mayor John added if Shafer Mining is able to make a goodwill effort for the rest of <br />the season then that is something the Council could look at. <br />F. Omission from code of driveway restriction in RE zoning district <br />It had been brought to staff's attention that the change made to the width of driveways was not included in <br />the recodification. The change specifically related to the width of driveways in the RE Zoning District, <br />Section 1405 of the Code, can be amended without a public hearing. Since this was an oversight, the <br />Administrator recommended that the draft ordinance be adopted. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to adopt Ordinance 9718 amending Section 1405.07 Subd. 1. Of the Lake Elmo <br />Municipal Code relating to the width of driveways in the Residential Estates (RE) Zoning District. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />G. Zoning Text Amendment, Shoreland Ordinance <br />A public hearing was held at the September 8,1997 Planning Commission meeting. The Commission <br />recommended the Council approve the amended ordinance. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Conlin — to adopt Ordinance No. 9716 an Ordinance amending Section 325.05 Shoreland <br />Classifications Subd. 2. LAND USE REGULATIONS MATRIX; Section 325.06 Shoreland Standards <br />Subd 2A. MINIMUM LOT AREA CLASSIFICATOINS and 325.06 Subd 3. Lot Width — No Sewer. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 <br />
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