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02-03-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-03-98 CCM
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County road 15 until a workshop can be held between the Council, Washington County Public Works and <br />MnDOT to discuss how Lake Elmo can handle the increased traffic through different routes. (Motion <br />passed 3-1:John: the reason for a signal light at this intersection is based on health, safety and welfare.) <br />D. Update on Landscape efforts on Jamaca and Highway 5: Gary Perrault <br />At the April 1,1997 Council Meeting, Gary Perrault, along with a Beaut Crest resident informed the <br />Council that the neighborhood of "Beaut Crest" will be planting approximately 300 trees as a visual barrier <br />and habitat development on Highway 5. Perrault told the Council that there are funds available from <br />MnDOT for plantings along highways. The Council directed Parks Supervisor, Mike Bouthilet, to work <br />with the Beaut Crest neighborhood organization to develop a landscape plan along Highway 5 and to <br />discuss with the City Planner long term aspect of the project. <br />Gary Perrault and Lynn Yoch, neighborhood coorrdinator, gave an update on the multiple phase landscape <br />projects for Jamaca and Highway 5. Bob Slater, MnDOT, prepared a draft design for Phase I. Volunteers, <br />residents, and White Bear Lake Boy Scouts will plant about 65 trees on May 2, 9 a.m. The planting rain <br />date is May 9. The Council recognized the landscape efforts of Mr. Perrault and Lynn Yoch, who will keep <br />the City staff informed on their progress. <br />E. Resignation of Rita Conlin from City Council <br />On February 2, 1998, the City received a copy of a letter sent to Mayor John from Rita Conlin, submitting <br />her resignation from the Council effective upon receipt. Rita indicated in her letter that it has been her <br />privilege to work with the Council, the Planning Commission and the City Staff for over eleven years. <br />Mayor John indicated he felt a great sadness due to Conlin's resignation, but recognized 11 years is a long <br />time to devote to a community. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution 98-5 declaring that a vacancy exists on the City Council with <br />the resignation of Rita Conlin and to direct the staff to send a letter with the Council's regrets with her <br />decision in resigning from the City Council and send their grateful thanks for her eleven years of service to <br />the City. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Rosemary Armstrong and Karen Johnston both expressed an interest in running for the vacant Council seat. <br />The replacement member will serve until the end of the year, and then will need to be voted on for a two- <br />year term in the November election. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to hold a special Council meeting on Monday, February 9", 6 p.m., to interview the <br />applicants, Rosemary Armstrong and Karen Johnston, for the vacated Council seat as a result of the <br />resignation of Rita Conlin. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />F. Environmental Initiative Award Nomination <br />The City received a letter form Curtis Sparks, North American Wetland Engineering, asking the City to <br />join him in nominating the Robert Engstrom Companies for the 1998 Environmental Initiative Award. <br />These awards, sponsored by the Minnesota Environmental Initiative (MEI) are intended to highlight the <br />programs, organizations and projects doing the most to improve Minnesota's environment. Mr. Sparks felt <br />The Fields of St. Croix is clearly "setting the standard" for open space development in Minnesota. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to request Mayor John and Councilor DeLapp, prepare preliminary information for <br />nomination of Robert Engstrom Companies for the 1998 Environmental Initiative Awards with the packet <br />prepared by the Mayor and Councilor DeLapp be reviewed and edited by the staff with a deadline date of <br />February 27"'. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 1998 <br />
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