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02-03-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-03-98 CCM
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meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the City delete the proposed sidewalk from the plans <br />along 30th Street from Lisbon Avenue to Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />At its January 29, 1998 meeting, the Village Commission recommended that the sidewalk on 30'h Street not <br />be part of the project at this time. The Commission recommended that the pathway on 30°i Street not be <br />implemented until it is addressed in an overall plan. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 98-7, A Resolution Receiving the Feasibility Report for the <br />30a' Street Reconstruction as prepared by the City Engineer. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARKS/FIRE: <br />A. Fire Departments Annual Election <br />The Fire Department held election of offices on January 23,1998. Elected to two-year terms were: <br />Dick Sachs, Chief <br />Greg Malmquist, Assistant Chief (Station #2) <br />Brad Winkels, Captain <br />Dave Durow, Captain <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to acknowledge and accept the officers elected by the Lake Elmo Fire Department <br />on January 23, 1998 as follows: Dick Sachs, Chief; Greg Malmquist, Assistant Chief (Station #2); Brad <br />Winkels, Captain; and Dave Durow, Captain. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Relief Association's request for Funds <br />The City Administrator received a letter from Brad Winkels, President of the Lake Elmo Firefighter's <br />Relief Association. The letter describes a problem the Relief Association is having with the State Auditor. <br />The Mayor and Administrator attended a meeting with the Relief Association and their accountant on <br />January 27. After listening to the Board members discuss the issue, Administrator Kueffner suggested they <br />hire an attorney to review the series of events that led up to the potential loss of our Fire State Aid. Staff <br />recommended that the City make the required contribution of $,1548.00 so that the State Aid is not further <br />jeopardized. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to approve the payment of $1548.00 as requested by the Lake Elmo Firefighter's <br />Relief Association, and to direct the Mayor and City Administrator to report back to the Council the <br />findings of the legal investigation as expeditiously as possible. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />8. PLANNING. LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Countryside Wood Products (Continued) <br />Planner Terwedo clarified the number of issues the Council raised regarding the proposal for a <br />woodworking shop/office use. Attorney Filla provided a memo dated February 2, 1998 suggesting the <br />Council review the miscellaneous variance requests and determine if the applicant is requesting the <br />minimal variances necessary in order to allow a reasonable development of the property. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John — to approve the variances stated in the City Planner's report of August 20, 1997 with the <br />Findings of Fact, 1-7, with changes determined, conditioned upon the easement filed and accepted by the <br />City. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to direct the staff to prepare a DRAFT resolution with the 12 conditions and direct <br />staff to prepare a site development agreement. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Veterinary Hospital Association (Update) <br />The staff and City Attorney have been researching the City files in order to determine what is presently <br />located on this site versus what is actually allowed. Once this research has been completed, the Planner <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 1998 <br />
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