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and City Attorney will meet with the representatives from the Veterinary Hospital Association and Dr. <br />Swanson and report back to the Council at the February 17th meeting. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John — to direct the staff to prepare an ordinance calling a public hearing for a development <br />moratorium for an area North of the railroad, South of Highway 5 and bordered by Ideal Avenue on the <br />West, Stillwater Blvd on the East in order for the Council to establish new zoning regulations to include <br />architectural standards (review lot sizes, access, soils, steep topography) and recommend a time frame. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. I-94 Study — Update on Met Council <br />City Planner Terwedo would like to have an I-94 Task Force meeting to go over the three land use <br />alternatives. She would like to change the 2015 development area to 2020 to reflect the Met Council's <br />Blueprint so staff can prepare a land use plan. A workshop will be scheduled for March and the City <br />Council will be invited. <br />Administrator Kueffner reminded the Council that there could be a fourth option for the City to consider <br />along I-94. That option is to limit MUSA expansion to 400 acres, a plan that was submitted to Met Council <br />several years ago, but rejected for lack of capacity. The City resubmitted an application to the Met Council <br />to extend MUSA to the United Properties site. This was done using sewer capacity that was transferred <br />from the West half of Section 33, permanent redesignation of capacity which was assigned to Section 32, <br />and a loan of excess capacity from the City of Oakdale. <br />Mayor John will be meeting with the Met Council on Thursday, February 5, to recap what has happened, <br />go over the City's application for 440 Acre MUSA expansion because of some good uses coming to the <br />City under Business Park Zoning and wants the City to be ready. Kueffner further stated that the meeting <br />is intended to clarify with the Met Council what has to be done on down stream improvements. This <br />information will be brought back to the City Council at the March P meeting. The Administrator asked if <br />the Council supports the meeting with the Met Council to see if those options are still available. <br />Administrator Kueffner referred to the statement made by Mr. Rapp, Met Council, when he said that Lake <br />Elmo, West Lakeland, Baytown all have a strong desire to remain rural in character for its residential uses. <br />He suggested Lake Elmo get together with the urbanizing Communities and that we collectively can <br />approach the Met Council and say Woodbury, Oakdale, Stillwater, and recently annexed 1500 acres all <br />want urban development. The overall ratio of all our communities is 3:1, therefore, we meet our region <br />goals. Administrator Kueffner suggested that Lake Elmo initiate the meeting. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to direct the staff, based on their understanding of the situation and the timing, to get <br />a meeting of the communities in the general area that would be interested in coming up with a Plan to meet <br />Met Council goals for the region. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Wireless Telecommunication Permit —Review final draft and adopt summary and request for <br />services <br />Attorney Filla has made the changes directed by the Council on January 21,1998 to the Wireless <br />Telecommunications Permit Ordinance. The Council asked that the staff review the Ordinance presented <br />with the action taken on January 21" because all the changes were not made. Councilor DeLapp suggested <br />and the Council accepted the following wording for "Ground Mounted Equipment". <br />1390.17 Ground Mounted Equipment <br />All ground mounted equipment accessory to a Wireless Telecommunication Tower shall be enclosed in a <br />building with brick walls and have a dark colored standing seam metal roof and be further screened with <br />sufficient trees, as determined by the City Planner, and shrubs to substantially reduce the visual impact. <br />A summary of Ordinance 9724 was provided, which is all that is required to be published in the paper. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 1998 <br />