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Human Rights Commission: <br />Councilor Hunt explained this is a positive aspect and deals with diversity issues and education. Council <br />member Dunn asked for an accounting of all the Human Rights Violations that have been reported to the <br />City as a means to justify forming anew commission. This should be part of the State and Counties Health <br />and Human Services departments. Combining efforts, not creating new commissions should be <br />investigated. Any continued participation should be discussed on a yearly basis. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to approve the Claim of $55, approving membership with the Human Rights <br />Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL/INQUIRIES: <br />A. Public Inquiries: None <br />B. Washington County Sheriff, Jim Frank <br />Sheriff Frank and Captain Johnson gave a presentation on total calls by category and provided colored <br />coded maps of areas in the City. The Council asked that a notice be placed in the Newsletter if residents <br />wanted to view these maps. <br />C. Draft agenda for workshop with Washington County Public Works and MnDOT scheduled for <br />March 17,1998, at 5:00 p.m. <br />The City received a DRAFT agenda from Washington County Public Works for the workshop scheduled <br />for March 17d' and asked the Council to review this agenda and add any issues they would like to discuss. <br />The Council suggested the following issues be added: <br />Immediate Issues: Update on traffic Counts (Counts are being taken now on CSAH 10), New signage along <br />County Roads, Re-establish crosswalk on Lake Elmo Avenue between Lake Elmo Ind and Post Office. <br />Long Range Issues: What is installed to protect Browns Creek Watershed? <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: 3& Street Improvement <br />This public hearing was tabled from the February 17" Council meeting, and the City Engineer was directed <br />to explore a design change from a 26-foot wide street to a 28-foot wide street, with a white shoulder stripe <br />and a double, yellow centerline. All affected property owners were notified of the March 2"d meeting. <br />Tom Prew provided a drawing of this alternative of a wider street width without a sidewalk. The cost to <br />construct a wider lane from Lake Elmo Avenue to Lisbon Avenue is $6,000. The cost of the sidewalk <br />through this same area is $18,000. Either option is eligible for State -Aid funds. Prew recommended <br />separating vehicle and pedestrian traffic, as shown in Alternative A. <br />Roland Jahnke, 11377 30" Street, objected to the sidewalk for reasons stated in his letter which was <br />acknowledged by the Council on February 17, 1998. <br />Norm Davis, 3050 Lisbon Avenue, favored the sidewalk from Manning to Lake Elmo Avenue because he <br />was a walker and felt now is the time to plan for the future. <br />Paul Ryberg, 11326 30d' Street, supported the sidewalk and submitted a letter. <br />Richard Huntley, 11397 30" Street N., did not want to see a sidewalk on their side of the street. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 2, 1998 <br />