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03-02-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-02-98 CCM
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Virginia Kressin, 11217 30'h Street N., stated she had submitted a petition with signatures objecting to a <br />sidewalk. She has a dirt driveway and so do other residents. This concrete sidewalk would go right <br />through these dirt driveways. <br />Marge Williams, 3025 Lake Elmo Avenue N., opposes a sidewalk because it would be moving the street <br />closer to the houses. The sidewalk doesn't go anywhere. A 28' wide road is the best compromise. Tom <br />Prow explained he had looked at a mulch or a turf surface sidewalk, but would rather see a hard surface <br />because it is easier to plow. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 8:30 p.m <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to modify the plan for 30'h Street Reconstruction accepting Alternative B: a 28-foot <br />wide street from Lake Elmo Avenue to Lisbon Avenue. From Lisbon Avenue to Manning Trail, the street <br />will be 26-feet wide with an 8-foot wide trail on the south), as presented by the City Engineer at the March <br />2"a meeting, based on the recommendations of the Planning Commission, Parks Commission and Village <br />Commission and on testimony of various residents. (Motion passed 4-1:John: preferred sidewalk, <br />separating the pedestrians from the traffic, based on health, safety and welfare of our residents.) <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to adopt Resolution No. 98-14, A Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation <br />of Plans. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Council member DeLapp and Administrator Kueffner pointed out that the City Code requires all that <br />portion of the boulevard designated as driveway be surfaced with a plant -mixed machine laid bituminous <br />material conforming to standards approved by the City Engineer. Since this is a code requirement, the <br />Contractor working on this reconstruction project can be contacted to have this work done (edge of the road <br />to the property line) at the same time. <br />B. Revisions to State Aid System: Resolution adding 50°i Street N. to our State Aid System <br />In his letter dated February 25, Tom Prew indicated the City wanted to add 50`h Street, from CSAH 17 to <br />TH 5, to our State -Aid system. A portion of the right-of-way was in Baytown. Since the annexation with <br />Baytown and Oak Park Heights is now resolved, the City can now designate this route. Prow has received <br />preliminary approval of this route from MnDOT, and final approval is subject to the final annexation <br />paperwork being submitted to them. A draft resolution establishing 50`h Street from CSAH 17 to TH 5 as a <br />State Aid Route was provided for Council review. <br />Council member DeLapp asked is there any way to make this a car neighborhood -friendly road with <br />detached path now, and then declare it as a state aid road later on after we have done the improvements <br />using state aid money that is used elsewhere in the City. <br />The Council approved the designation, but decided to wait until meeting with County staff and receipt of <br />the final annexation resolution before formally adding this route to the system. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to postpone consideration of designation of 50" Street N. to our State Aid System and <br />add this to the March 17t' Council agenda. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARKS/FIRE: <br />A. Pickup truck for Parks Department <br />The Parks Department is requesting a purchase of a 1998 % ton GMC extended cab pickup. This truck <br />replaced the 1978 Dodge truck that came from the Fire Department (the old rescue truck). The 1978 Dodge <br />was sold for $1500 in 1997. This purchase has been reviewed, with a recommendation to purchase, by both <br />the Parks Commission and the Maintenance Advisory Committee. The bidding process was done by the <br />Minnesota State DNR and is a State contract. This is a current CIP item, with budgeted funds available for <br />purchase. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 2, 1998 <br />
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