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03-02-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-02-98 CCM
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M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to approve the purchase by the Parks Commission for a 1998 GMC'/4 ton extended <br />cab 4x4 pickup, including the requested accessories, at a cost of approx. $23,000 from Falls Automotive of <br />Fergus Falls, Minnesota based on the recommendations of the Parks and MAC Commission and this is a <br />current CIP item with budgeted funds available for purchase. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Pickup Truck for Maintenance Department <br />The Maintenance Department is requesting a purchase of a 1998'% ton GMC extended cab 4x4 pickup. <br />This truck replaces the 1988 GMC, standard cab,'/4 ton, 4 wheel drive pickup. The truck is 10 years old <br />and has 93,000 miles. The body is rusting and the motor is using oil and losing power under load. This <br />purchase has been reviewed, with a recommendation to purchase, by the Maintenance Advisory <br />Committee. The bidding process was done by the Minnesota State DNR and is a State Contract. This has <br />been on the CIP since 1996 with budgeted funds available for purchase. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston — to approve the purchase by the Maintenance Department for a 1998 GMC '/4 ton <br />Sierra extended cab 4x4 pickup, including the requested accessories, at a cost of approx, $23,500 from <br />Falls Automotive of Fergus Falls, Minnesota based on the recommendation of the Maintenance Advisory <br />Committee and this has been on the CIP since 1996 with budgeted funds available for purchase. (Motion <br />passed 3-2:Dunn: the $729 for power windows and door locks was an optional item and at the MAC <br />meeting the Maintenance Foreman said he could live without it; DeLapp: Not against the purchase of the <br />pickup, but against the optional item of power windows and door locks based on the Maintenance <br />Foreman's reason being it is a large truck, it would be convenient when he stops at the side of the road, <br />open the window and talk to someone on the passenger side.) <br />C. Review of MAC and Fire Department Discussions <br />a. February 21, 1998 Fire Department meeting <br />The Council reviewed notes from Mayor John on the meeting he attended on February 21,1998. <br />b. City Facilities Walk -Through March 14, 1998 (Lee Hunt) <br />Council member Hunt reported that the City Facilities Task Committee, comprised of Onno <br />VanDemmeltraadt, Jim Friend, Paul Hansen, will be touring the City facilities on March 14, 1998. They <br />will meet at the Maintenance Facility at 9:00 a.m. <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Preliminary Plat: Wildflower Shores <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a preliminary plat and plan for an open space development consisting of <br />25 single family residential lots and 30.8 acres of open space. The property is located north of State <br />Highway 5 and West of Beaut Crest. Wildflower Shores was formerly known as Lake Elmo Hamlet <br />Estates. <br />On September 2, 1997 the City Council approved an Open Space Development Concept Plan with several <br />issues needed to be resolved: Clarification on the full density, water agreement with Oakdale needs to be <br />amended to allow water on this site, and resolution on the grading permit. <br />When Rehbein Companies originally submitted the grading permit, the fill from the site was to be brought <br />to the Washington County landfill site. The Council directed staff to continue this item until such time the <br />applicant and staff discusses conditions and come to an agreement. <br />There was discussion on the creation of the pond, who will be responsible for the pond on a long term basis <br />and how can this pond be created with little impact to the surrounding neighborhood. The Soil and Water <br />Conservation District has reviewed the land and have included comments which will be included in the <br />"Conditions of Approval". The City Planner recommended that this pond meet the standards as set forth in <br />the Wetland Conservation Act. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 2, 1998 <br />
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