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03-02-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-02-98 CCM
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Council member DeLapp suggested the developer contact Bob Slater, Mn/DOT Forester, about working <br />together on landscaping proposed and tying it in with the neighboring property, Beaut Crest. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to approve Case No. SUB/98-05 Preliminary Plat and Plan for Wildflower <br />Shores, based upon the findings and that the plan reflects the approved concept plan, and including the <br />amended condition Numbers 1-10. (10. City Attorney review tittle work.)(Motion passed 5-0), <br />The Council reviewed the DRAFT -grading permit with Jack Buxell. The following changes in conditions <br />were suggested: <br />3. Excavation shall be expanded to an area not to exceed 8 acres. Areas not excavated shall be protected <br />from runoff with proper erosion control measures. (Rehbein will be doing the work over two years so <br />need more than 4 acres. Have agreement with highway department to berm out into their right-of- <br />way.) <br />4. The hours of operation shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, per City code. <br />Delete Condition No. 8. No extension is necessary. <br />9. Rehbein felt the 75-foot buffer was too wide. On the south propertyline they are going out in the <br />highway right-of-way so no buffer is applicable. <br />11. Rehbein did not approve the six foot privacy fence because it was a huge requirement and too costly. <br />Council asked Rehbein to come up with suggestions on ways to reduce impact on neighborhood. <br />Delete Condition No. 13. <br />17. Rehbein questioned the justification of the $20,000 letter of credit. Last year the City requested <br />$10,000—inflation has increased only 3%. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to direct the staff to work with the developer to solve these issues, finalize the <br />grading permit, and come back to the Council for approval when the developer is ready. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />B. Ordinance Amending Parking Regulations <br />The City Council asked that the Design and Maintenance of Off -Street Parking relating to Planting <br />Requirements within parking and vehicular use areas be amended. The Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing on February 9, 1998 and recommended adoption of the Ordinance as presented. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt —to adopt Ordinance 9725, as amended (6. Planting Requirements within parking and <br />vehicular use areas. 2"d sentence... requirements in order to rp ovide interior.... , Change figures 280 sq.ft. <br />in requirement a. to 310 s .ft.. , relating to Off -Street Parking. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Fields of St. Croix (change in design elevations for detached townhomes) <br />On June 3, 1997, the preliminary plat and plan was approved for the Fields of St. Croix. This plan had <br />been modified from the initial submission indicating an area near the farmstead as detached townhomes. <br />This small cluster of seven lots ranging in size from .33 acres to .64 acres had a specific design theme for <br />the homes as shown on the elevation drawings entitled "Farmstead Homes". The plan was developed to <br />preserve existing trees on the site. <br />In Mark Youngdahls' letter dated February 23, 1997, he indicated it was originally thought that all of these <br />homes would have identical front elevations, but have since concluded that it would be architecturally <br />desirable to create individual fi•ont elevations for each home. The design changed to the homes now reflect <br />the architectural features of the three neo-traditional homes which have been developed on the north side of <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES March 2, 1998 <br />
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