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(1) Stillwater Lane <br />This street is currently concrete surfaced over a majority of its length and is in poor condition. As a test <br />project, the City overlaid a three hundred -foot section of it two years ago. To date, the bituminous has <br />shown no sign of premature break up. Prew is recommending a 1 %:-inch bituminous leveling mix for <br />2500-foot length of this street and 1 %a -inch bituminous wear course over the entire street, excluding the test <br />project section. Gravel shoulders would also be constructed. <br />Mayor John opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council chambers <br />Bob Taverna, 10174 Stillwater Lane, explained from Kelvin to the west, the shoulders are blacktop to the <br />end of his driveway. The water comes down onto his driveway because it is the low point and asked if the <br />engineer could take a look at it. <br />Miriam Bergmark, 10032 Stillwater Lane, asked how does the City assess. City Engineer Tom Prew <br />explained the assessment policy. (Copies of the assessment policy were made available to residents.) <br />Pat Dean, 8028 Hill Trail N., asked what if sewer comes in, how would the City assess the residents. <br />Would assessments be different for overlays? Does this start a precedent? Administrator responded there <br />are no plans for sewer. The City can only assess the cost of project to the extent of the benefit received. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 7:43 p.m <br />(2) 10fl' Street Lane <br />This street is currently in very poor condition. Instead of an overlay, Prew recommended cold milling the <br />existing surface and recycling it in place as gavel based. Additional gavel would be added as necessary. A <br />2-inch thick 22-foot wide bituminous surface would be constructed over its 800-foot length. Gravel <br />shoulder would also be constructed. <br />Mayor John opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. in the Council chambers <br />There were no comments received. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. <br />(3) Jamley Avenue N. <br />Jamley Avenue is approximately 1800-feet long and about 20-feet wide. There is significant cracking <br />along the entire length, and it has reached the stage where it is in need of an overlay. A 2-inch thick <br />overlay is proposed. Earth shoulders would also be constructed. <br />Mayor John opened the public hearing at 7:47 p.m. in the Council chambers <br />Russ Loetscher, 3053 Jamley Avenue N., explained he has a problem with runoff and drainage. The ditch <br />is real high and his property takes on water and ends up with a large lake in his front yard. <br />Elizabeth Arco, 2809 Jamley Avenue N., asked why does Jamley Avenue have to be repaired now. She <br />understands the road was never done properly. Prow responded it is time for an overlay now and doesn't <br />want to wait for the street to become in worse shape. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 7:50 p.m <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 5, 1998 <br />