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purpose of the requested action is to reconstitute a former farmstead. Prior platting actions had placed the <br />barn of the farmstead on the 77-acre parcel and the balance of the farmstead buildings on the 1.25-acre <br />platted parcel. The Planning Commission approved a variance to permit an oversized accessory structure <br />not used for commercial food producing purposes (the bam) on a parcel of 2.5 acres in the RR zoning <br />district. Demolition of the 474 sq.ft. shed is required by December 1, 1998. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston — to adopt Resolution No. 98-42, A resolution granting a minor subdivision to <br />Bradley Bealka and Diana Mundinger and Joseph F. Jr. and Charlott Moris, 9757 45 h Street N. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />B. File 98-15:Klatt Minor Subdivision:Bonnie & Don Klatt, Applicants, 11825 50'h Street N <br />Planner Dillerud reported at its July 27, 1998 meeting, the Planning Commission adopted a <br />recommendation for approval of this minor subdivision of platted property (Lot 1, Block 1) Fields of St. <br />Croix, subject to the orientation and driveway access for the home on Parcel B to be south (towards the <br />Fields neighborhood). This request will subdivide an existing 5 acre parcel that was included in the Fields <br />plat into parcels of 3.79 acres (existing homestead) and 1.21 acres (new building lot). According to the <br />May, 1997 Council minutes, this minor subdivision was anticipated by the City. Sewer connection to the <br />Fields Wetland Treatment system has been provided for the new lot proposed. <br />The existing accessory structure is in excess of the accessory structure area maximum for parcels of 2 acres <br />to 10 acres and exists as a nonconforming structure. Unless Parcel A was to be reduced to less than 2 acres, <br />Planner Dillerud did not believe that the City had increased the nonconformity by this Minor Subdivision. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 98-43, A Resolution granting a Minor Subdivision to <br />Don and Bonnie Klatt subject to the following conditions: the orientation and access to the future home on <br />Parcel B to be south to Lilac Way North and Parcel B not be issued a building permit until shown if Parcel <br />B is covered under the restrictive covenants of the Fields of St. Croix. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Village Commission recommending extension of Village Development Moratorium <br />By Ordinance 9721, effective November 18, 1997 the City Council adopted a Development Moratorium for <br />all properties within the "Old Village Area". The moratorium was for a period of 9 months — until August <br />18, 1998. At its July 29, 1998 meeting, the Village Commission adopted a motion recommending the City <br />Council extend the Village Area Moratorium to March 31, 1999. City Attorney Filla provided a draft <br />ordinance for Council consideration. <br />Terry Emerson explained he bought 35 acres South of the Zintl property by the Fields of St. Croix and <br />would like to work with Bob Engstrom to tie his parcel in with the proposed Fields of St. Croix, Phase II. <br />Attorney Filla responded Phase II, Fields of St. Croix is in the village study area and covered by the <br />development moratorium. The City will not accept any development submissions until the moratorium <br />expires. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance No. 9735, An Ordinance Extending the Development <br />Moratorium in the Village Area until March 31, 1999, as amended, (Page 2, Item D. Delete "Expansions to <br />the rear of buildings and the addition of decks to the rear of buildings shall be permitted" because it is <br />already stated in Item C.2.). (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Contract for digital air photos <br />The Metropolitan Council has offered communities free 1997 air photos on CD ROM. Lake Elmo would <br />be able to view these on our office PC's and may even be able to print readable copies. City Attorney Filla <br />has reviewed the GIS Data Base License Agreement and found the agreement would allow the City to use <br />the GIS data and restrict the City from appropriating the data and selling it to other parties. The City can <br />use the GIS data for any of its own internal reports. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 4, 1998 <br />