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Attorney Filla said the current.dn and storage situation at Countryside Poo. z Spa is not in compliance <br />with the Lake Elmo ordinance, and has not been for ten years. <br />Administrator Kueffner said she wanted staff to give this issue more in depth review and wanted to bring <br />this to the Council at a later date. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to postpone finding on the Countryside Pool & Spa Hearing until the <br />November 17, 1998 City Council meeting and direct staff to prepare the appropriate history for <br />that review. <br />(Motion Passed 3-0). <br />4.1) Ordinance 9736 — creating the Human Rights Commission; Accept resignation of Sue Jordan; <br />Appoint Deb Krueger and Joni Chavez <br />City Administrator said the Human Rights Commission was adopted by resolution and should have been <br />by Ordinance. The Council approved increasing the membership from 5 to 7 and set their regular <br />meeting day on the P Monday of each month. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Dunn — to adopt Ordinance 9736, as amended, based on a favorable <br />recommendation of the Human Rights Commission. <br />(Motion Passed 3-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston- to accept the resignation of Sue Jordan from the Human Rights <br />Commission, and to direct staff to send a letter of appreciation. <br />(Motion Passed 3-0). <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston — to appoint Deb Krueger and Joni Chavez to the Lake Elmo Human Rights <br />Commission. <br />(Motion Passed 3-0). <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA (NONE) <br />6.A Contribution request for ice arena (School District #832) <br />Dennis Heuer <br />8030 59`h Street <br />President, Mahtomedi Youth Hockey Association <br />Mr. Heuer said currently his hockey association has no home arena. He said his "squirt " hockey team <br />has to travel to Somerset, WI an average of 12 out of 17 days. He said teams in the area were travelling <br />to other areas for ice time. Mr. Heuer said he is requesting a contrihution from the City. <br />Mayor Hunt said the City Council has typically declined to take funds from the City budget for these <br />requests. However, the City does support notices in the City Newsletter informing the public as to how <br />they can contribute to this cause. <br />7.A PUBLIC HEARING: 30'h Street Reconstruction <br />City Engineer Prew noted the final cost of the project was estimated at $780,000.00 and the total amount <br />assessed to abutting or benefiting property owners is $25,707.00. He said the Herzfeld's, developers for <br />Heritage Farm paid $9,492.00. He said the policy for assessing in the R-1 Zoning District is $1,071.00 <br />per lot and RE-$1,500.00 per lot. <br />Mayor Hunt opened and closed the comment portion of the Public Hearing at 8:00 p.m., NO <br />COMMENTS. <br />City of Lake Elmo Council Meeting Tuesday, October 20, 1998 page 3 <br />