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LAKE ELMO CITY COUN( , MINUTES DECEMBER 1, 119, . <br />not notified. People in the affected area had to be notified of this hearing and went to OPH and got a copy <br />of the report. <br />Mayor Hunt commented that he had never seen a situation where a City had the audacity to plan for <br />annexation of land in another City. Hunt sees this as being deceitful and deceptive, and is the lowest thing <br />he has ever heard of a municipality doing. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Armstrong — to direct the staff to take any and all action appropriate that is necessary to <br />defend our City and vigorously oppose these sections of the Oak Park Height's comprehensive plan. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />Mayor Hunt urged residents to attend the December 3`d Oak Park Heights Planning Commission meeting, <br />or call Mayor Schaaf, and register their protest and ask them to plan their own community and leave Lake <br />Elmo alone. Hunt will attend the Planning Commission meeting and requested the staff prepare a draft set <br />of minutes with some detail that he could hand out at this meeting. <br />C. Status of Water Tower <br />Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger reported the water tower is up and running. The City would be <br />receiving a report from the Health Dept. within 3-4 weeks. The Council thanked Dan Olinger for an <br />excellent job and the affected residents for conserving water. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. 1999 Liquor Licenses <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to grant an On -Sale intoxicating liquor and On -Sale Sunday intoxicating liquor <br />license to 3M Club of St. Paul (Operators of Tartan Park). (Motion passed.4-0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to grant an On -Sale intoxicating liquor, Off -Sale intoxicating liquor, and On - <br />Sale Sunday intoxicating liquor license to the Twin Point Tavern and Lake Elmo Inn. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to grant an On -Sale intoxicating liquor, On -Sale Sunday intoxicating license to <br />River Valley Catering Inc., Lake Elmo Banquet Hall. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to grant an On -Sale non -intoxicating Malt Liquor License for the Golf Course <br />Community Center at Cimarron Park. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to grant an Off -Sale non -intoxicating Malt Liquor license for Oasis Market <br />located at 11025 loth St. N. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Work Station for Building Official <br />Staff asked for approval to purchase a workstation that will more efficiently serve the Building <br />Department's needs. <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp — to approve the purchase of a workstation for the Building Department at a cost <br />not to exceed $1100. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />6. <br />A. Appointment to Parks Commission <br />Ellen Neuenfeldt, a new resident in the Heritage Farm Development, submitted a letter of interest to serve <br />on the Parks Commission. The Parks Commission has 8 full voting members. With this appointment, it <br />will leave the seats of two alternate's open. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 1. 1998 <br />