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02-02-99 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-02-99 CCM
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4. There is at present $92,000 in the budget for this unit, the actual cost will be $89,820 less trade in of <br />$26,300 plus tax of $4,128.80 for a total of $67.648.80, plus the license tabs. <br />M/S/P Armstrong/Dunn — to approve the purchase by the Maintenance Dept. for a new dump truck (cab & <br />chassis from Boyer Trucks $51,872.00, Dump body, plows, sander, hydraulics from J-Craft $37,048.00, <br />Two-way radio from Capital Com. $650.00, Lettering from Advance Graphics $250, Trade-in allowance <br />for 1990 Ford dump truck from Boyer Trucks-$26,300) at a cost of $67,648.80 (includes Sales tax <br />$4,128.80) based on the Maintenance Advisory Committee's recommendation and findings. There was no <br />administrative review on this purchase. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Request for Replacement of Box and Sander <br />At its February 1 meeting, the Maintenance Advisory Committee reviewed the request from the <br />Maintenance Dept. for the purchase of a new box and sander for the 1986 L8000 truck. The MAC adopted <br />a motion recommending the purchase of a new box and sander for the 1986 L8000 from J. Craft at a cost of <br />$12,638.84 based on the following findings: <br />1. The existing box has been repaired in about 1994 and is now again rusted to a point that the sub - <br />supports are giving away and repair is not a feasible option. <br />2. The truck chassis and drive train are in good shape. A new box and sander will lengthen its usable life <br />by an additional 5 years. <br />3. There is $15,000 in the budget for this purchase; actual cost will be $12,638.84, less than has been <br />budgeted. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to approve the purchase by the Maintenance'Dept for a new box and sander for the <br />1.986.1,8000 truck from J. Craft at a cost of $12,638.84 based on,the:Maintenance: Advisory Committee's <br />recommendation and its three findings. There was no administrative review on this purchase. (Motion <br />Passed <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn to add to the Council agenda the Request by the Fire Department for updating of <br />telesquirt truck. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Fire Department request for updating of Telesquirt Truck - <br />At its February 1 meeting, the Maintenance Advisory Committee reviewed the request from the Fire <br />Department for the approval to go out for bid for refurbishing the Telesquirt. The MAC adopted a motion <br />to recommend the Fire Department go out for bids for the reconditioning of the 1980 IHC/General Safety <br />Telesquirt truck and then come back to MAC for full review based on the following findings: <br />1. This has been discussed at MAC meetings the last couple of years. The unit was inspected for <br />deterioration and upgrade needs. <br />2. The basic truck is still in good condition. The upgrading needed is the body and box which is rusted, <br />and some equipment that needs upgrading. <br />3. A new truck such as this sells for approx. $400,000. Upgrading of our old unit should be in the area of <br />approx. $75,000. This will give an additional 10-year of service. <br />4. There is $100,000 in the budget this year for this refurbishing. Actual cost will be in the area of <br />$75,000. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Armstrong — to approve the request by the Fire Department to follow all regulations for going <br />out for sealed bids for refurbishing the 1980 IHC/General Safety telesquirt truck based on the Maintenance <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 2, 1999 3 <br />
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